Need to reload windows 2000 professional

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Peteman23, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. Peteman23

    Peteman23 Member

    Feb 24, 2007
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    I Brought a pc for my daughter its kinda old it has windows 2000 on it now but it didnt come with a w2k cd and i need to reload because theres some problems that i cant fix is there a way to reload or repair windows 2k with out the disk and i dont think it will handle xp didnt really want to buy another os for it because the os is more then i payed for the pc ?
  2. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    With this kind of minimal info, we really can't help you very well.
    You can't reinstall win2k without a disc and the key that it is registered with.
    Now, i can tell you that you need to use THIS TOOL to find out the original win2k key, how or where to possibly find a win2k disc is up to you, we can't help you with that.

    I do, however, suggest you download Ccleaner and see if that makes a difference before trying a reinstall, it has helped me restore cluttered windows systems.
  3. Peteman23

    Peteman23 Member

    Feb 24, 2007
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    ok i got a copy of win2k but it didnt have a serial # so i used the tool you linked me to and it gave me a code that was the one that was on my pc but it says wrong code is there a way to extract the code from the cd?being that microsoft no longer supports win2k shouldnt they have like a master unlock key for it...LOL?
  4. DoubleDwn

    DoubleDwn Regular member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    The code is not stored on the CD. The key you got from Magic Jelly Bean is the installation key. Maybe you have a win2k Server disk, and are trying to use a 2k pro key. Or, you are using a 2ksp4 CD with a 2k (no sp) key. It can get goofy like this sometimes. You have to reinstall the same version (read release) of Windows that the key was issued for. Make sense? Hope so.

  5. Morph416

    Morph416 Active member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    Have you had issues with using original keys with slipstreamed CDs? I haven't...only keys I've ever had were the originals...and I slipstream everything...including Office.
  6. DoubleDwn

    DoubleDwn Regular member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    OK, I know its an old post, but I figured I would respond anyway.

    I have had trouble with office 2KPro in the past not using the same disc as install(original disc was no SP, and the disc used for re-install was SP1). Slipstreaming adds the SP, but I dont think it changes the release info during install.

    So, yeah, I have had some trouble in the past.


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