My burner finally bit the dust, it's lasted for 1,000+ burns but now I'm getting the saturn ring effect where no data is burned on a specific part of every disc burned (I've ruled out all other possibility’s and ruined 4 TY's in the process). The drives I'm replacing are a Liteon DVD-ROM LTD163 and a NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A Both drives came installed in my dell dimension 8250. The rom drive still works, but if I'm replacing one I might as well replace the other. This will be the first time I've ever altered any hardware in my pc, I've opened the case several times to clean it and despite my lack of experience the actual drive swap seems straightforward enough. Both drives are IDE and I'm assuming that I can use the same cables already running to my mobo and psu. Seeing as how I already have the required cables and brackets I believe I should be looking for an OEM version? And the OEM version should come without any unwanted preinstalled software? I'm still unsure as to what kind of a setup I want rom/burner or burner/burner. The most important features Im looking for are the basic ones, the ability to rip and burn +r/-r/and rw . Ripping damaged discs and accurate nero scans (although nero scans seem to be more eye candy from what I've read lately) for at least one or both drives would be a plus. Dual layer support and litescribe features mean less than squat to me but it seems one or both features come standard in almost all of the quality drives out now. The one thing I've decided on is ordering from newegg. Free shipping options swayed me towards the liteon burners but it seems most of the newer models are not as reliable as they used to be. Burners: Roms: There didn’t seem to be any mention of booktyping ability on the product info page, I think I’ll check the manufactures website tomorrow. If newegg offers any drive models that stand out from the rest please let me know. I’m not sure if any of these are rebadged, the “holy grail” or just good? Yah I’m lost. I have movies waiting to be burned and I’m going to have to make a decision in a day or two. I could really use the advice of someone more experienced on these subjects. -Any help would be appreciated
Which ever optical drives you decide upon..and btw if it means sacrificing the rom drive to get the best r/w drive then in my be it. Installation is a doddle. Replace one drive at a time (power off) with the same cable(s) and note where the jumpers are on the old drive(s) and emulate the position to the new one(s). When you reboot, nero and others may require you to scan for drives. Once're home and hosed.
Thank you for bringing attention to the jumpers I had no idea that those were there. I always thought the master/slave settings were purely software based. Well after reading entirely too many reviews and spec sheets I decided on my two drives. I ordered a Liteon DH-20A4P-04 and a Pioneer DVR-116DBK. I'm not sure as to which would be better for burning, (which should be set to master/slave). The Pioneer seems to be the more refined but it only booktype's dvd dl. The Liteon booktype's but I'm already having regrets about this specific model. There seems to be a number of people claiming that this drive is very loud and that it doesn't last that long. Only time will tell, I should receive my order early next week.
redux... you impatient thing you. lol. I like the Pioneer choice and you can find patched f/w for it so don't worry about the bitsetting/booktyping thing. I would have opted for the iHAS120 personally, I have both of the LO drives we've mentioned so far and the iHAS120 is quieter and a better burner IMO. The Pioneer is an excellent burner and you will NOT be disappointed. Good luck with your replacements. oh btw I'm guessing that DELL has the drives set as CS (cable select) but NO guarantee.
I know, I barely waited 24 hours lol. I've been putting off replacing these drives for a long time. In the back of my mind I knew it would end up happening like this I just hoped my rom would go before my burner. Unfortunately I only have ide connections and most of the better drives like the iHAS120 seem to only be sata. Worst case scenario will be just using the liteon for ripping and scanning. If it really is as bad/loud as some say it is then I'll return it and pay the restocking fee.
If your Dell is like my old one it saves the noise a little so it may not be that bad. Forgot about you only having IDE or the possibility that is. I don't think you'll be that disappointed personally so see what you get and then decide. I'm sure that a friend might want the 20A4P if you don't. It's better to get $20 from your friends than to send it back to the EGG and pay a restock fee if there is any plus shipping back to the EGG.
LOL. Good brand in burners there gm ...didn't know there was a patch! Maybe my old dv108 has one. (doubt it though, it's gettin' old like me) @redux79. Good luck again with the swap overs. Cheers.
Try this link for your Pioneer 108. link f/w for the Pioneer 116 I hope these work as expected.
@greensman Thank you for the firmware link, Is that custom firmware or the update from pioneer? I only ask because I've never flashed my drives firmware before and I would like to understand the process a little better before I go ahead and try it. I managed to find firmware updates and individual firmware utilities for both drives. I'm not sure if the utilities combine with current firmware or are activated only when needed. I still have a few days until my new drives arrive so I'm going to try to educate myself on the subject. I really like to know how things work and why so if something goes wrong I don't feel like a deer in the headlights in a manner of speaking. On another note I think I may have found an explanation for the rather high number of bad reviews for the DH-20A4P-04. It seems the manufacturer may have forgotten to take out a protective plastic sheet before assembly? Most of the bad reviews are from early this year so hopefully most of the "lemons" have been cycled through.
I installed both drives and they are working great, this is the first time I've been able to burn faster than 2.4x. I have to say it is a little odd to have my drives decide how fast to burn media on their own. The liteon DH20A4P is quiet for the most part, there's a slight vibrating sound on spin-up but aside from that it's a great drive. The pioneer DVR-116DBK is outstanding in terms of performance, solid design and disk tray. I burned a dvd at full speed and only a slight hiss of air could be heard, it almost doesn't sound like a dvd burner. There is one issue though, I didn't realize how new this drive was, it's only a few months old. The firmware that came with the pioneer drive is 1.07 while the only firmware available for download is 1.06. I did some reading over at cdfreaks and it turns out in order for me to get/create custom firmware that enables bitsetting is to roll back to 1.06 and no one even knows what 1.07 contains. I notice that the DVR-116D is being recommended as a good drive replacement as it should be. The lack of SL bitsetting with stock firmware should be mentioned and the hassle of rolling back/modifying firmware at this point is a problem. Read here: The DVR-116D is a great drive and I have a feeling that it is going to out last my current pc and be put into a new build eventually. I'm not even sure if I really need bitsetting seeing as most of my dvd players are new. One of the things I have been looking forward to was saving money by using dvd-r as they seems to be less expensive (my last drive only supported +R).
Methinks redux79 is a happy camper now. Good to know all is going well and that your money was well spent. Many happy a year of burning redux79. Cheers.