Hi, I have been given a 6230i that's locked to orange. I need to use it on Vodafone in the UK. The imei is 0357616002446187. Not sure if you need the leading 0. The previous owner tried to unlock it himself, but failed. I don't know what the error was. Can someone generate a code for me? Thanks, Andy
More info if it helps: Nokia 6230i V 03.88 28-Jul-06 RM-72 GSM P1.1(c) NMP It's locked to Orange, I need to use it on Vodaphone. Both are UK. The IMEI is 357616002446187. Previous owner has tried to unlock it, I don't know how many times. Is there a way to check? I know I'll need a cable if it's locked out, but I thought I would try here first. ...Andy