Need some help in deciding if it would be wise to use double layer DVD's for compressing and burning, or use single layer DVD's. I know with double layer, I can get the whole movie on the disc and they cost a lot more. Where single layer, I normally would do movie only and main menu using CloneDVD and not going under 60%. If it goes under 60%, then I would split the movie. And single layer cost half of what double layer is. Any advice would be appreciated.
If you use dual layer you wouldn't use any compression so it would be a 1 to 1 backup - no loss of quality. I use dual layer for the movies I really like - the rest I try and keep compression 70% or higher and use single layer. I would use dual layer discs before splitting the movie onto 2 dvd's. Some dvd players are picky on dual layer media - if you have a newer one it may not be but older models may not like them. So if your burner supports booktyping I would booktype the disc to DVD-Rom to increase the compatibility.