I'm running Nero 6.3 on Win2K SP4. It was working fine until I installed the new NEC 2500a. Now when I try to burn an unbranded DVD-R (2x) Nero hangs after completing the caching. I can't even kill the process from Windows Task Manager. Have tried rebooting but it made no difference. Anyone else had this? Any ideas for a resolution?? TIA Ian
Its probably those cheap disk. I too use Nero 6.3 and an NEC 2500a ver 1.07 using Ridata G04 silver matte 4x and never have problems.
earth2rob, No all caps. And have you discussed this in another thread? If so, can you post that link to that thread? What have you tried?
I have the NEC 2500a and have no problems burning with nero. I upgraded the firmware to ver 1.07 before using it though. What version firmware is your NEC using? Also, I recommend having at minimum, 12 gigs of free space,on the same partition, for temp files and the movie on
itm, Welcome to our little Club there guy - I found that although listed as a RW (+R,-R) Nec's seem to dislike -R media a whole bunch. My ND1300A feels about -R media the same way I feel about a Root Canal from the Dentist. Although I don't know about the 2500a, other than what you'll see here - http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters.php?DVDnameid=173&Search=Search&list=0 I would suggest you try +stuff. I've been using Ritek +R and have had excellent results. The price runs about $.84ea (USD) and in the last 300 to 400 discs I haven't had a "coaster" except those I've caused - cheers, Pete
321sucker, my friend, I offered my personal experience, please re-read my post - I also stated that I wasn't familiar with the 2500, I thought I was very clear on that - I am so very glad that your burner and itm's burner are exactly the same and that my "suggestion" couldn't have any validity - as you have used -R media with much sucess" Silly of me to think that not everyones burner was the same as yours - Get a grip - Pete
ScubaPete, And all I offered was about my personal experience with the NEC2500a. Its always easy to suggest a person spend more money when a simple firmware upgrade may do the trick. Thats all I'm saying. Dont be such as sourpuss.
I would like to add that I am having a hard time with with Ridata -R media on my NEC as well.I had good luck with +R media by memorex,but switched after doing alot of reading.I will now try the +R Ridata to see if that helps my problem.Thanks for the advice Pete.
Hi itm, Whether you do a firmware upgrade or not, make sure you use quality media for all your DVD burning. . Changing media is not free, but you are going to want to do it anyhow. Cheap media ends up costing you more in the long run. This is a dual format burner so either kind should work. An improperly done firmware upgrade can damage your drive so it must be approached with caution, especially if you have never done one before I had the same freezing problem occur twice, both times after changing burners. To fix this problem both times I had to completely remove Nero and reinstall. Nero Burning ROM has a feature that allows you to simulate a burn. Nothing will be written to the disc. I suggest you try that and see what happens. If you do manage to complete a simulation or a burn attempt (and the program does not lock up on you), try and save a burn log and then post it if you can. Do the simulation with good media. +,-? get some of each. Do you know how to check your firmware version? Check and see if you have Nero Infotool and run that. It will tell you what version you have, along with a lot of other useful information. Cheers, Frank _X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer computer newbie Sony VAIO Suzuki GSXR1000 [/small]
Wanted to give an update,I recieved my Ridata +R and I am getting the same results (freezing,jumping etc..) The media Ive ordered is silver matte on top,Im wondering if I should try the branded Ridata +R??Maybe my nec just does not like this media.Like I said I had good luck with the memorex,but I read that they use whatever discs that are cheapest and just put there name on it.Any more suggestions would be great.Thanks!
Rono, have you tried your backups using a different DVD player? What programs are you using to make the copys? Are you getting any error messages?
fastfrank,I use dvd shrink,decrypter,and sometimes xcopy.I never get errors at all so I think my software is ok.I do have 2 kinds of players[Hitachi,Denon]it seems that the hitachi gives me the most problems,but I have noticed it on the denon player as well.Thanks for the reply.
Hi again, So you may just be looking for media that is compatible with your players. Try here for a list of what works with your particular players: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers.php I suggest that you download this tool and check for errors on your copy: http://www.dvdinfopro.com/