This has functioned fine earlier with other disks I birned. But now when I have burned a new one, the DVD don't start. I use a CD-RW. When I look at the info on the burned disk it says "Mount Rainer: disk has no MRW-format". I guess this is the problem. I have used several video files, the same result. I also now tried a CD-R, it doesn't either start. What can cause this?
Maybe the input movie had something Nero didn't convert. Have you tried the method explained in ?
Yes I have tried it now, without any success. I think it's to difficult to do it that way. It give you a lot of questions and you don't know how to do. It's for experts. I have tried several files and the result is the same. I think Nero should be able to do it. I have done it before.
I think I have solved the problem. I had choosen "menu", gives a picture on the TV. The DVD don't start then. When you choose "menu" on one burn, it will be there as long as you have Nero running.