Nero 6 burnt dvds hang at menu on domestic dvd player

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by alimax, Mar 24, 2004.

  1. alimax

    alimax Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Please can you help? I am using xp, a pioneer 105 burner and Nero 6. I want to burn anj avi video which I made with premiere so that it can be shown on domestic DVD players.
    I go through the process, burn the disc and then when I play it in the external DVD player all I get is the menu/title page and I cannot shift beyond this.
    The dvd plays fine on the computer but not in the player.
    It is very frustrating.
    Any advice or suggestions of other software would be greatly appreciated I have to have this project with the duplicators by the weekend.

  2. daba

    daba Guest

    I guess you processed the AVI files with NeroVision Express before you burnt them.

    I saw threads where people were complaining not to be able to pass the menus with DVD authored by NeroVision.

    Well, I used it a few times (the very latest version from Nero's site) and I had no problem with the menu.
  3. grogey

    grogey Guest

    I had this very same problem. I did a fantastic first time effort of authoring a dvd with our school christmas concert on it - with each performance having a link from the main menu.

    The menu worked great on my computer and on one of my dvd players (Celestial) but not on the other. (can't remember the name and am too lazy to go look - but it is a MPeg4 player)

    Neither would it work on 3 friends players - 2 were LG and one a Pioneer (I think).
  4. MysticE

    MysticE Active member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    Although I'm pleased with conversions made with NVE, the menu it creates can cause problems. With multiple elements try merging them all (highlite and look for the merge button on the left) then create chapter stops.

    If the menu is not needed, open the resultant NVE files in Recode's 'Remake a DVD' and choose only the main title. The chapter stops will still work. The only problem is sometimes Recode cannot open NVE's output (seems odd, I've emailed Nero about this but haven't recieved a response). In this case I've found that IC8 will take the output, so I can eliminate the menu and do the final burn. But seeing as I've never made a project that was to be played on many different peoples standalones, I can't vouch for total compatabilty, which may be impossible no matter what software you use.
  5. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    In the past NeroVision Express 2 had this issue with some DVD Players, where if you had the Menu otpion enabled for NVE, it would cause some players not to play the DVD. It would show the Main Menu, but you could not get past that.

    But as of our lastest NeroVision Express, this is no longer an issue. Or should not be. :)

    If you have our latest NeroVision software, and you still have this issue, could you tell me what DVD Player you are attempting to play it back on?

    P.S. In the past, before we resovled this, you could resolve it by launching NeroVision, select Make DVD, and then in the next window click on the MORE Button at the bottom of the page and then uncheck the option for 'Create Menu on Disc'.
  6. MysticE

    MysticE Active member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    How did I miss that? Very good to know, thanks.

  7. grogey

    grogey Guest

    Thanks for the advice on the recode update. I've been using version - but my startsmart wasn't picking up the update for some reason. I supose because my Nero Ultra edition is the latest.
  8. alimax

    alimax Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Thanks very much for the advice, particularly the advice to uncheck the make menu on disc option!
    I feel really stupid to ave missed it. ((My DVD recorder is a Pioneer 105)
    This has saved the production of innumerable useless DVDs
  9. alimax

    alimax Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    I take some of it back. I have just burned a DVD with NVE and unchecked the create menu to DVD opton . It plays fine on my computer in Real player, and power DVD, but when I put it in my sitting room dvd player Panasonic s35 it annalyses it and then stops.
    The only way round this I have found is the cumbersome process of using nero burning and copying all the files created by NVE into the video TS directory. Then I have a dvd which will play in the sitting room dvd player but will not play in the computer.

    Any more ideas? I am getting a great collection of DVD coasters...
  10. mccaffjt

    mccaffjt Member

    Apr 16, 2004
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    I'm having the same trouble with Nerovision...but find that the DVD still works, only the menu is messed up. Just press "1", "2"...etc. on your remote, and the first, second...etc. video plays. I've only had the menu work once, and don't think I did anything differently. Each time the menu is a little bit different.
  11. grogey

    grogey Guest

    mccaffjt I do realise I can access via the numerical key pad.......trouble was one of the movies I made was our end of year school concert, copies of which were given to many people - many (dare I say) not so intelligent people who couldn't work it out.

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