Nero 6 Help!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Red_Comet, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. Red_Comet

    Red_Comet Guest

    Hello all,

    I bought this Aopen DVD-RW drive and installed in.

    I encounter these problems..

    Sometime when i put in any disc my system hangs..

    When i try to backup my DVD movies, the NERO 6 says burn completed but the backup DVD has no content..

    Why does it happens?

  2. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    I would first check your writer is set om DMA this will improve the speed of reconizeing you have put something in your drive.Second i would try a different batch of media even a different make.If you have burned correctly you should have something on the media.This may be a bad batch of media causing your system to hang for a while as your drive is busy trying to reconize the media.At present there is some bad media about i picked up a batch or red Datawrite discs the other day for £4 for 25.My writers love the datawrite disc's and normally are really good discs.I just thought £4 i will have a bit of that.Put one in my drive my system was hanging for a while before it picked the disc up.Then i burnt the the disc and thought all was ok.Put it in my stand alone dvd player nothing.Put it back in my pc no data showing on the disc.So i went through the whole thing again with my prffered disc a yellow Datawrite disc perfect no problem.Hope this helps as 9 times out of 10 it will be the media causing the problem.

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