I use dvd shrink, decrypt, and nero. WinXP pro Hp dvd writer dvd420I BENQ dvd dd dw1620 I updated to Nero6 and the problems began. First I got a message that it was trying to burn in 3.1 mode when I tryed to burn with nero throught dvd shrink. so I uninstalled nero and reinstalled. Then I used force aspi. That didn’t work. I flashed my dvd drive. Still didnt work. Now I get SCSI/ATAPI command timeout error and Nero Freezes when I try to burn. I get the same message from bother writers and they both freeze.
is dma enabled in drive properties. are both drives on same cable or different cables. if same cable are they set to cable select or master & slave
Yep, DMA is on. They are both set to Cable Slecet. Dvd decryptor will burn fine. Its just nero. However Dvd shrink crashes if i cancel and some times for no reason.