How do I put dvd on hard drive to make copies I have burner and dvd rom. Nero6 wont make copies New pc new everything
pcola001, There are many ways to backup dvd. For instance, you don't have to rip the movie to you hd first. You can do what's called "on the fly" ... You use AnyDVD($39) with Nero's Recode 2. If you don't want to buy AnyDVD, you can just use DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter. To use Shrink w/ Nero follow this guide: To use Shrink w/ Decrypter, use these steps: 1) Open Shrink, open disc 2) Click "backup!" 3) Change target destination to "ISO Image File", then check the box to Launch DVD Decrypter Under the "backup options" tab, you can check the box to "perform deep analysis" to help improve the quality in longer movies(is worth it, but the process is longer) 4) Click ok.
downloaded the dvd shrink and wow started copying movies. how do you make more than one copy and program deletes those files before before I can make a different DVD back-up Is this the way it is supposed to work
pcola, why won't nero make copies? You can rip with decrypter, then use those files with nero recode. You must have nero if you're burning them with it from shrink. The reason I suggest this is shrink will not retain a working menu if you take anything out(re-author), nero recode will. Recode works almost exactly like shrink, if you can use one, you can use the other. It is included in Nero Ultra 6 package, which has a free trial every month, you just have to re download it each month. You can buy it for 49.00 at eagletronics, it normally costs 99.00, well worth the price. Many programs in one package. Or keep it for free and reload every month. Just a suggestion...
pcola001 In Nero 6,use Recode 2 with AnyDVD which can be downloaded as a trial from AD software tab, Recode actually allows you to specify how many copies you want to burn,you can save the log files if you wish,I don,t bother.AnyDVD will save the CSS Keys as well.Using this simple easy to learn combo should get you started. Just remember to disable Antivirus and screensaver during the rip/burn process,make sure that within Nero 6 you do not have the InCD program loaded or Roxio Easy CD Creator.Happy burning ) ispy