So far with the new version it seems to have taken care of the audio sync problems that Vision has had for along time now. Now I just need to check and see if they fixed the problem burning of multiple recorders that had.
I've noticed that, after 1st use, when i click on Nero StartSmart icon it won't open, whether it does eventually i don't know as i haven't hung around long enough to find out. I've re-insalled it twice and still have the same problem. So, i've gone back to Nero7.9.6.0 wonder if anybody else is experiencing the same.
Haven't had that happen - have used it quite a bit since I installed it. So far good on my end - for now
Maybe not - you never know with Nero I did a clean install and ran a registry cleaner cause I had switched some .ax files to fix the audio sync issue that Nero Vision had had for ages. That may have made a diff.
I found that 7.10 has fixed the audio/video sync problem with NeroVision, but now the DVD's are jumpy (staccato effect). I have posted this problem on another thread which originally had to do with a different problem (which is now solved). I just wonder if anyone else is having the same problem. I am trying to burn AVI files - the originals are fine. I have tried burning one episode at a time to the hard disk and it does the same thing (jumpy). Any ideas anyone?
I had this problem... fixed it by removing the weird parameter that was added to the shortcut. worked fine after that.
hmm well actually it only half way fixed it. let me open the program but nothing would run. so i reverted back to
Everything works fine for my computer (HP with XP). Program has different reaction with different comp or config. So far the best (for me of course) since 7082. cheers