I can't get Nero 7 Ultra (latest updates) BackItUp 2 to automatically erase a full disk before performing the backup. I have followed all the instructions in the manual to automatically erase a full disk and set the time delay to 1 minute. It still does not erase automatically, the prompt Window still comes up requiring confirmation to erase the disk before the backup will start. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
I don't think you are doing anything wrong. The Expert setting indicates that when Automatic Erasing is selected, a pop-up will give the option of declining the erase. The timeout (set for one minute) is how long it will wait for a response before erasing the disk.
Attar, Thanks, I thought I followed the instructions correctly also. I do get the pop-up as you indicate, but it waits forever... It doesn't perform the erase after the wait period (it waits forever even though I have the delay time set for 1 minute).