Help please. When i want to burn a movie from my hard drive,i put a blank dvd in and what would be a normal 1gb movie,the space indicator shoots right off the scale and says not enough room. Obviously the discs are 4.7 gb ,so there should be plenty of room. Im using Verbatim DVD+R. Ive tried everything possible,even using different burners and decoders,different discs. The DVD rewriter ive got is an external Freecom Classic. Please!There must be someone who can help.
the only thing that would make Nero go beyond the 4.7GB(4.32GB written) would be if you are trying to convert a video file that is not DVD compliant and then burn to a DVD........ the AVI or other format is too big for the conversion and burn. What movie do you have on your hard drive..... what format is it and what Nero program are you using?
I'm using Nero Vision from Nero7. Never had a problem with any movie before.Im just worried its something to do with the writer. When i put the blank DVD RW into the computer,on "My computer",it reads dvd-rw drive(f. But when the disc starts it changes to cd drive(f. Im sure its not Nero thats the problem ,but what is. Ive used two seperate external DVD RW,and they both do the same. Any ideas? The movie is 3.53gb and its avi.
Windows does funny things..... when you put in an RW disk into a DVD player it states it's a CD drive.... that's an XP bug! don't worry about it. Are you burning that AVI as a Data Disk? or when you use NeroVision it converts your AVI to DVD compliant files that's 3.53GB? Stick with your Verbatim DVD+R disks. If your AVI is 3.53GB then you won't have enough room when converting that AVI into DVD compliant files for burning! usually an 750MB .AVI file will turn into 4.32GB enough to fit onto a DVD, when using programs like ConvertXToDVD, NeroVision and other conversion programs. Is this a downloaded AVI or is this a home movie?
Its a downloaded avi. Does this mean I'm going to have to use a number of discs to burn this? The thing I'm trying to download is actually a 7 part series that takes up 3.53gb. Im burning it as avi to dvd.
if you want to make a Data DVD then you can put all your avi files onto one disk. if it's a 7 part seires.... I presume you have 7 avi files...... then maybe you can get 2 on a disk if you use NeroRecoder. can you play each avi file? the length of play will determine how many avi files you can fit onto one DVD5. try to see if you can put like 2 on each disk.