Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by djword, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. djword

    djword Guest

    I recently had to replace my hard drive and re-install everything. Fast forward to Nero 7. I was able to get it installed, but had to re-install it because of another issue, I regret doing this, since then I have attempted to re-install Nero 7 over 2 dozen times. I have tried using my CD and downloaded the latest version from the Nero site. I keep getting cab file errors. I have done the following over and over:

    1. Used the Nero Clean Tools
    2. Manually cleaned the registry with JV16 Power Tools
    3. Disabled both my Virus Software (Kaspersky) and my firewall software (Outpost)
    4. Performed search for all Ahead and Nero file names and deleted them all
    5. Re-downloaded the installation file and tried launching it multiple ways, from the desktop, from the temp folder from another drive etc.
    6. Updated my serial number

    I am about to pull my hair out, I have never had so much difficulty installing a program in my life and I feel I am very competent when it comes to PC's in general, but I either get a cab error or a package error. Either the program craps out when extracting or when it's installing.

    Any suggestions or help would BE greatly appreciated.
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Assume it was General Clean tool 7 or 2000.
  3. djword

    djword Guest

    I used both versions of 'Clean' per the Nero support website instructions...
  4. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Have you tried cleaning the registry in safe mode?

    I use 'Regseeker' to search the registry.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2007
  5. VMathis

    VMathis Member

    Mar 21, 2007
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    I kinda had the same problem when I upgraded from Nero 6 to Nero 7. Here's what I did and mine program works fine. The first thing I did was which was a pain in my you know what...was did a complete system restore on my computer. After I did this I bascially had to reinstall everything over again. Since I purchased my Nero 7 from the Office Depot I bascially reinstalled it. A memo came up which read something like (Nero 7 is already on your system...and then underneath were question to why I was reinstalling it.) I choose reinstall program and after doing this mine system worked fine. Easy as pie except for putting ever single program I ever had on my computer back in.

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