I created the dvd image to burn onto my lightscribe dvd recorder using Nero Essentials 7 (Nero Cover Design Essentials) (I don't find the software easy to use at all, I'm some what graphically challenged <grin>) I am using an LG GSA E40L dvd recorder (a super multi). I burned it to the dvd and was pretty happy with it. I decided to make the bottom row of text white, since the black text was not as easy to read over the picture. I saved the image I am trying to make a second dvd with the same image on it but it only burns the words, not the pictures? Is there some sort of setting I need to switch on? Thanks for any help. JB
Do you mean like this, here is a typical LightScribe disk with picture and writing: this was done with SureThing CD Labeler 4 SE, which is LightScribe capable. I don't like Nero for LightScribing. After many burns and printing on LightScribe disks and White hub Printables or Silver printables..... I'll take the Printables better than LightScribe:
My lightscribe does not do color (I think) just the sepia (?) color. I think what the problem might be is a conflict with Roxio. I use Roxio to copy the disks and then Nero to burn the pictures onto the disks (my Roxio is old, does not have the lightscribe label functonality). I shut everything down (for the 100th time) and this time, I did not run Roxio first and when I printed the label, both the picture and the text burned, not just the text. Maybe there is some memory issues going on if I run both programs in the same session. I want those colors! JB
those colors you are referring to is from a printer! I have the Epson R320 printer that prints right on top of a PRINTABLE DVD. There is a tray, and you put your DVD on the tray and it goes right into the printer and the printer prints onto the DVD. It's so much faster than LightScribe and you see the results!!! All I do is the printables... not LightScribe any more.
You should not have both Roxio and Nero on the same computer because their drivers can conflict with other--and WILL conflict if their packet-writing software attempt to coexist. Nero supports LightScribe fairly well, so that should probably be the one you choose to keep. As for colors, Ihoe's suggestions make a lot of sense: ink-jet printing is faster, provides colors, has less chance of fading over time, and does not require more hours of power to a laser diode with a finite life.