The version of Nero i have is not compatable with Windows Vista So I was wandering what is the eariliest version of nero that works with vista. i nero 7. I know you might say just upgrade to version 8. but can get 'cheeper' version that works eg 7.2.?? whatever?
daveman16, Whatever version you have installed now, make sure you use the corresponding clean tool to uninstall it. The Clean Tools can be downloaded here. Once you've completely wiped out all specks of Nero, download the set updates for Nero 7 here. Some earlier versions of Nero has problems with Vista.
has anyone tested this on windows vista? because of a friend of mine said he tried it and had severe problems but he said unless someone fixed bugs or whatever, i don't know. i have windows Vista because i just got a ACER laptop and i HATE Nero8,i can't STAND it right now... and looking for something i can use and will also btw work with DVDshrink(to burn automaticly after DVDshrink is done like it does on my other laptop) Thanks for anyone that can help me out on that too
what about a i don't know if im' allow to mention but a s*er*ial*for Nero 7 that you d/l from that NERO page? because i have one for one on my computer and its not a valid one... so HELP
when i go to open Nerostartsmart and go to "make your own DVD-VIDEO" i get: "unable to itinalize NERO API. unspecified Error" i DONT like NERO8 cause i'd have to get Winavi to turn my HQ avis and all that crap into Vobs and winavi didn't work for me cause it never ended up working...
where do i get the patch?i downloaded the "update"or where that link went to the other person posted.
Bethtn, that is piracy about serial # for nero 7 so you better read up on the forum rules in this link as is obvious you haven't.
I have Just followed instructions and installed the updated Nero. But I got it in a foreign language. How can I change to English. I can’t read any of it.