I've been messing around with this for a while now, I think I've burned about 10 different cd's with different burn speeds on Nero, but I can't get them to play on my laptop? What up? The Laptop will play store bought cd's no problem. It's a toshiba satellite pro 4600 with a DVD-ROM drive. Don't tell me to get some kind of software update for the cd either because I can't. The OS is pooched and I'm trying to install a new one. That means a generic IDE driver. Thanks for your help.
1. It might be an ASPI issue, have a look at http://www.hazza.dsl.pipex.com/faq.htm#ASPI 2. Laptop drives are finicky as to the media types they will accept ... what media was it?
I tried installing ASPI and burning but still no luck. I am trying to install a new OS on the laptop. Like I said, ,the currnet one is messed up. I am booting off of a win98 floppy with CD-ROM driver. The (laptop) drive is working fine with some disks (ones I burned last year)but none of the ones I have burned recently (like the one with the OS). Would it matter if the disks were rated for 30x or 48x burn speed? This is the only difference that I can see. I've been burning all of these at 8x to 16x to play it safe, I've even reinstalled an older version of Nero, and Alcohol 120 to try burning under different environments. Any advice would be appreciated as I am running out of disks.
CRAPPY MEMOREX DISKS!!!!! I figured it out. I bought one of those cheap 50 packs of memorex disks and the flaming disks won't register on the flaming Laptop! Pardon the coarse language but this has been a major headache. Anyways, I picked up some other cheapo no-name disks and they work just fine.