I'm trying to burn an .avi file to DVD, but every time I add the video to the project, Nero crashes. It seems to only happen with this specific video, because I managed to burn another file without problems. Another, possibly related problem is that the video is too big to fit on one DVD. It's 700mb as-is, but over 4.0gb once Nero recodes it (if I can get that to happen). Nero offers to change the settings to make it fit but, as I say, it then crashes. Can anyone help? I'm using Nero 7 Ultra.
need alittle more info. did u burn to a folder and not to dvd? if all else fails try convertxtodvd. i hope one day nero catches up with the newer codecs, especially mkv.
Well I was going to burn to DVD, but like I said the program crashes as soon as I add the video file to the project.