Hi all. I have 2 dvd burners installed on my pc. I attempted to burn data files on nero 7 two days ago and got a message when using a dvd+rw. It said something like "Dvd in drive is not compatible. Please change compilation settings or use a compatable dvd format. When I looked at the symbol to see what it was requiring it stated "dvd-r dvd-rw only, instead of a list of five or 6 formats both burners support. I couldn't understand what was going on so I opened nero info tool. I looked at the spec for both burners and there were no compatibility of support ticks for dvd+R/RW DUAL LAYER, etc. Half the burners support features were unticked. In refreshed and both drives were limited to the same read and write support features. I then stuck in two dvd+rw discs, pressed the refresh symbol on nero info tool, and all the ticks re appeared. When I then ejected the discs the ticks disapeared! I then did this again and burned to the format above writing a dvd file and data disc one aftwer the other. As soon as I closed nero and re opened the problem came back. I have uninstalled nero and changed three versions. I have uninstalled the burners and still the problem persists. When I use dvd fab platinum it writes all formats and doesn't reject the formats described above. I have never experienced this with nero. Could there be a problem with nero, the burners, drivers, and possibly windows xp? Somebody please help! [/code]
http://www.imgburn.com/ Run ImgBurn > Tools > Drive > Capabilities, and see if it lists everything it should. If it doesn't, click on 'Check for Firmware Updates' and see if new firmware is available. Nero and IMGBurn are reading the same firmware on the drives, so the results should be the same and since it's unlikely that both burners are failing it would seem that Nero is where the problem lies. If both programs report the same error then I'm out of ideas.
Hi I ran image burn as you said and updated firmware and problem still persisted. I then went to system restore and problem was solved for a short period of time. Would it be worth re booting my computer with the recovery disc to the factory settings? Another thing I found along with the nero problem was that windows media wouldn't play my avi divx files. Once I restored with system restore it played all saved files as normal. Before I forget, when I restored nero would burn files with a message saying "Unkown burn path. When burn would complete it wouldn't say BURN SUCCESSFUL! It would say UNKOWN BURN PATH. All files were burnt okay, but without the file info encloes instead. When I re installed nero it the above message disapeared, but it would remove the full capacities of the burners again. Very strange!
Are the Master/Slave settings for the burners set ok. If you remove the slave do the results change. If you make the slave the master and move it to the end of the cable with no other drive, does it change?
Hi Attar I have fixed the above problem in the strangest way. last night I disabled the following programs one by one: dvd fab platinum dvd shrink nero 7 image burn any dvd I would uninstall each program one by one and then press refresh on nero info tool under DRIVES. The ticks did not re apear untill I deleted any dvd verson 6165. I kept the nero info tool page open and didn't re start the computer. I re installed any dvd 6165 and pressed refresh and the support ticks disapeared. I uninstalled and pressed refresh with the nero tool page open, and they re apeared again. There seems to be a conflict with the any dvd drivers that are diabling nero and image burns ability to recognise the burners full capabilities. I have re installed any dvd 6060 and there is no longer a problem. However, if I choose to uprgade past any dvd version 6060 and the problem re occurs, what would you reccomend? Thanks for all your help.
Glad it's fixed! Perhaps a different Nero Version, or not installing new updates to AnyDVD unless there is a problem. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/540936/3303610