This must be an easy problem to fix -- but I'm stumped. For both CD's and DVD's my DVD writer is giving me the message to "Please insert an empty media to write to" They are empty. My CD burner burns the same CD's that the DVD burned doesn't recognize as empty. It worked fine yesterday. I uninstalled Nero and reinstalle the Demo version I downloaded from this site -- didn't help the situation. So, I think I must have reset something in Nero by accident -- Help I can't burn DVDs of CDs on my DVD burner now. Many Thanks, Scarlet
Scarlet, Uninstall your Drive from device manager and let your PC reinstall it again - see if that helps Pete
Scuba -- I opened the cabinet and unplugged the the DVD burner -- turned CPU off and on -- it recognized the DVD burner as new and now it works again. Thanks. I improvized using your advice, because I didn't know how to uninstall using the method you suggested. Scarlet
Scarlet, That's OK, Ya done good ) a little hard on the PC but, Ya got the job done - In the future, if you don't know how to do what we ask you to do, just say so, we'll walk you through it 'nite now and happy burning :_)) Pete