My girlfriends son, wishes to burn a vcd with vidios downloaded from the net.Nero starts encodeing, then stops. I haven't had much luck with this either, as The last time i tried, I got vidio, and no audio. Can anybody tell me where I can find detailed instructions?? or give me a clue as to what is maybe being done wrong??
The answer is simple: DO NOT USE NERO FOR VDCs! Read my 'sticky' thread '100% working method to make a VCD'( and post here if you have troubles, because I decided to stop trying to help the millions of people that go on having BIG troubles with Nero, a really buggy (for VCDs, good for Audio or Data CDs) application. I am quite confident that with my method you won't have problems! For my VCDs it worked really 100%. Just, if you don't have a registered version of VCDEasy you'll have to use VCDGear, which is freeware, instead. Read to learn how to use it.