Yeah... Nero In-CD and SanDisk U3 conflict making the latter completely unusable on XP sp3! It took forever to track this conflict down! If your Sandisk thumb drives are *#^*ing up, NERO is probably to blame... Sadly, I was forced to 86 Nero Software to be able to use my SanDisk Drives AT ALL. Anyone aware of some kind of work-around? (I want to be able to use BOTH, I want NERO back since IMGburn confuses me terribly) Thanx guys, +jAy-
If image burn confuses you just read some of the guides,find some on here and image burn's own site.My U3 i just formatted it and used it as a normal drive found the U3 software pointless,get some portable Aps and just sort out the short cuts out on your thumb drive