Hey guys, I ve been using Nero for a fair while without any problems now however the mpeg 4 facility has expired and i cant seem to enter my serial number any where looks like i need to order it in to my email inbox or something they call it a downloadable serial number. I need to burn a DVD very urgently however a couple of files in there are MPeg 4 and nero wont accept them anymore to burn onto a dvd whilst using nero vision express any idea whats the best way to go about it other than having to pay them more is there any other free program that i can use to first convert the mpeg 4 files into another format then try burning the dvd or no other program delivers good results when converting mpeg 4 files. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks. -F
I don't know about you, but if you have a legit serial # from Nero Ultra, then you can try to clean all of it's stuff/softwares/programs out from your computer. To get rid of all Nero's stuff, go here http://ww2.nero.com/enu/Clean_Tools.html - and get the "General Clean Tool". Reboot your computer, then download it's latest version which has everything you need in there. Once you installed the latest version, just put in your original serial # and it will accept it. At least, this is what I did to mine everytime I needed an updated. Other than that, I don't know what else to suggest, except email Nero's support about the issue you're experiencing right now and see what's their reply.