Nero, no thank you!

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by Orientsig, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. Orientsig

    Orientsig Guest

    Dear Community,
    About one week ago I asked this Forum for help with regard to voice problems experienced at Nero VCDs. Additionally I reported that the .DAT file of a VCD, Nero Vision puts into the directory "SEGMENT" on CD, although VCD players expect the .DAT files in directory "MPEGAV". I tried to commiunicate these troubles per e-mail with the (German) Nero Support Team. The answers I got on my inquiries that I underlined with screenshots and log files where absolutely rubbish.
    When I adressed the above described problems, this "support" provided some phrases, not linked to my problems. Sometimes I got the impression that I know more about Nero than their famous "Support".
    Unfortunately for this Forum the conversation was held in German language so that I cannot provide you with the silly answering mails I received.
    I solved my problems with Nero now finally. I ordered Roxio WinOnCD 9 and I hope that I get rid of the whole mess I experienced with Nero.
    Meanwhile I generated a VCD with Pinnacle Studio 8. I used the same MPEG1 file that was also the basic file for Nero Vision VCD creation. The result with Studio was excellent. The tone was clean, no dropouts of the tone like experienced with Nero Burning ROM VCDs.
    The .DAT fle was, as expected by most of the Video Players, in the directory "MPEGAV". Both of my Video Players played the Studio 8 generated VCD immediately and excellent, without any problems, neither video-wise nor tone-wise. I instructed Studio 8 to perform an entire recoding of my video/audio source file.
    Nero Vision is a mess. I felt that already before because a had lots of problems already previously when I imported to Nero Vision e.g. MPEG2 videos that I wanted to supply with a menue and subsequently to burn the files in DVD format on DVDs. That never worked.
    Nero Vision is not a recommendable video editing and burning program. The created formats seems only Nero to know but no other programs or players.
    I personally do not recommend the purchase of Nero Vision.
    Nero is only good for burning data files on CD. If more challenging tasks are required Nero Vision screws up!
    I wasted nealy two week, trying to get a 20-minutes Video CD created with Nero Vision. The result remained very poor. I tried a lot of re-codings with different programs to get the tone clean, but in vain. Nero Vision itself and Nero Burning ROM I tried in addition, destroyed the tone. What a mess!
    With regards
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    I'm sorry you have had such problems, but I think the problem is in the player and not the software

    I have made 'slide shows' and 'movie' VCD's.
    If you make movie type VCD, the DATA file go into the MPEGAV folder.
    When you make a slide show (still images and music) it goes into the SEGMENT folder.
    I don't think this is a peculiarity of Nero, I think it is the standard for VCD.
    The two projects (movies and slide shows)are mutually exclusive and the fact that you could take the .data file from the Nero SEGMENT and make a 'movie' VCD (and have that mpeg end up in the MPEGAV folder) is not surprising - the only thing in common is they are both referred to as 'VCD's.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2007
  3. Orientsig

    Orientsig Guest

    Dear attar,
    Thank you for your reply.
    Both of my VCD players are not exotic devices.
    One is a Sony and the other a Philips.
    Both do not play a VCD as long as the .DAT file is in the directory "SEGMENT".
    When I try tricks and move the file to "MPEGAV" it works on both of them.
    And Pinnacle Studio 8 puts the .DAT standardwise into "MPEGAV" if I create a VCD, even, if I come from a slide show as basic material for the VCD.
    This was by the way only one part of my problem. The second part were continuously short dropouts of the voice at the time of playing the VCD with the VCD players.
    I tried everything that came into my mind to correct this unacceptable behaviour. I recoded the from Nero Vision exported MPEG1 with TEMPGEnc 2.50 in VCD format und burned it with Nero Burning Rom as VCD. No success. I used the noise reduction and other features of Nero WaveEditor, the result was after burning the same mess. And so on, and so on.
    I scrapped more than a dozen blank CDs, all with the same poor result. There were at a VCD video of about 20 minutes about 40 to 50 short voice dropouts, even, when I used different songs as background. I changed from mp3 to wav and to other voice formats, always the same result.
    Then I used the original slide show, exported as MPEG1 from Nero Vision and created a VCD with Pinnacle Studio 8. The basic MPEG1 material inclusively voice was the identical with the one that has shown heavy voice dropouts with Nero.
    The result with Studio 8 was excellent. The voice mess, that took me engaged about 2 weeks, was obviously created by Nero!
    Therefore I ordered now Roxio WinOnCD 9. I hope that I can say in future "I have no problems with Nero, I use Roxio".
    I had already earlier heavy problems with Nero Vision when I wanted to import MPEG2 videos that I edited with a different software (Adobe Premiere, Pinnacle Studio, etc). The Video edit function of Nero Vision is really very, let's say overmodest, and therefore I edited captured Videos with the above programs because they provide much more comfortable edit functionality. When I re-imported the MPEG2 after editing to use the Nero Vision menue creation, I like, then I got heavy format problems. Files, that contained one video only, let's say at 8 to 10 spots edited, brought up to 173 windows (15 minutes Video, captured from a Sony DV camera) in the Vision Show Storyboard. Some of the sqares of the storyboard to take movies have been black only, some were grey and "x-ed out". It was a big mess and did not work and further processing with Nero Vision was impossible.
    When I imported the same MPEG2, edited let's say with Adobe Premiere, e.g. to Pinnacle Studio 7 (at that time), to Womble Video DVD Creator, or to TEMPGEnc DVD Author 3, then everything worked perfectly with the identical MPEG2 stream. Only Nero behaved so messy.
    I repeat, It is not enough that a Video processing program works only on strange, incompatible own conventions, it must be more general and it must accept foreign creations as other programs do.
    Nero Vision does not and therefore Nero is the biggest mess I ever experienced. It is only good for burning Data CDs.
    Sorry, but that is my opinion after lots of bad experiences. The described ones are only some out of a long list of deficiencies I personally experienced with Nero.

    And you may be sure, I know, about what I'm writing. I know details about video formats, VCD and DVD should apply to, I know the differences between PAL and NTSC and so on. I went through that in a long and painful story, when I tried to get sufficient results with Nero Vision. And I'm a professional Engineer (MSc), working on the design of most advanced fiber optics technology. Technical issues are not strange for me.
  4. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    I have a Panasonic and an RCA, neither of which has problems and to be frank, I haven't noticed a lot of posts on the Nero forum regarding problems with 'slide show' - although that may be a reflection of the lesser number of users of the feature.
    However you make a cogent point.Is Nero flouting the VCD standard - and that would best be answered by a technical person, certainly not by a casual user like myself, in fact 'Orientsig' would seem better qualified than most of us to get to the heart of the matter.

    The other problems you have are probably addressable, but not in the present thread, except to say that we all know Nero has problems...however, since it seems that the software is packaged with every DVD burner and PC, the problems are magnified by the sheer number of users..and users need support and if Nero is unresponsive then 'We' and 'You' should offer our crumb of comfort.What's the alternative?

  5. Orientsig

    Orientsig Guest

    Dear attar,
    I'll keep you and the forum informed about my VCD experience with Roxio. At present I wait for the Roxio licence code and the download link. The program is already paid.
    I started a new query to Nero concerning the VCD problems this time in English language. Hopefully I get answer from a more experienced person.
    By the way, the outside temperature around Riyadh/Saudi Arabia dropped appreciably down from comfortable 51 degrees centigrade to 46 degrees. It becomes slowly cold.
    With regards
  6. Orientsig

    Orientsig Guest

    Dear attar,
    I installed now Roxio WinOnCD9, and that was an "earthy shoot into the stove" as the Germans say if an issue is experienced extremely useless.
    First I used the slideshow I exported from Nero and created a VCD with Roxio. The result was superpoor. There were frequently gaps of some seconds in the voice, the Video at the TV screen showed frequently about 1 cm high areas over the entire screen, where the color was structured as about 4 mm squares
    I suspected an incompatibility of Nero slideshow and Roxio VCD creation. So I created a slideshow with Roxio and burned it with Roxio on VCD. The result was video and voice wise the same, absolute useless with the above described faults.
    So I captured a video from my Sony digital camera, attempting to create a DVD with Roxio. The process is so complicated and confusing through a high number of different windows that open frequently requiring inputs.
    Roxio seems to be a team of apprentice that try to get a video processing program on the way. Only the capturing from the DV camera worked perfectly. The rest seems to be a non-completed trial.
    Therefore the purchase of Roxio was an"earthy shoot into the stove".
    I keep on working with Pinnacle Studio 10.8 for DVD creation.

    For those who want to know details about VCD standard formats compared to the format Nero uses, below are some details.
    (Unfortunately the text lost its format while copying to this reply)
    With regards

    VCD Format:
    There are 2 formats defined for VCD:
    - Video CD 1.1 introduced 1993
    - Video CD 2.0 introduced 1995
    The VCD 1.1 standard is outdated so that only the VCD standard 2.0 is regarded below.

    VCD 2.0:
    PAL format was added in addition to the NTSC format of VCD 1.1

    NTSC resolution and frame rate VCD 2.0 for Video encoding:

    352 x 240 pixels 29.97 fps (NTSC) fps: Frames per Second
    352 x 240 pixels 23.976 fps (NTSC film)

    PAL resolution and frame rate VCD 2.0 for video encoding:

    352 x 288 pixels 25 fps (PAL)

    NTSC and PAL format VCD 2.0 for audio encoding

    44100 Hz
    224 kbit/sec MPEG-1 Layer2

    Additional features NTSC & PAL:

    Creation of Menus and chapters
    Insertion of still pictures in 704x480, 352x240 resolution

    Audio encoding for Segment play has been extended to:

    Joint stereo,
    Stereo or
    dual channel audio streams bit rates 128, 192, 224 or 384 kbit/sec

    Mono audio streams, bit rates 64, 96 or 192 kbit/sec

    General VCD format

    NTSC.352 x 240
    PAL..352 x 288

    Frame rate
    NTSC.29.97 fps
    .....23.976 fps
    PAL..25 fps

    Video Compression.......MPEG1
    Video bitrate...........1150kbps (CB)
    Audio Compression.......MPEG-1 Layer2
    Audio bitrate...........224kbps
    Stream Size/min.........10 MB/min
    VCD max playing time....74min

    VCD 2.0 generates at the VCD the following directories with the listed contents (some directories are optional):

    Folder_______Contains Files_______Remarks
    VCD..........Info.VCD.............Identification of album and disc
    .............ENTRIES.VCD..........Contains an entry point list for maximum 500 entries
    .............PSD.VCD..............Optional directory, contains Play Sequence Descriptor
    .............LOT.VCD..............Optional directory, cotains a List ID Offset file
    MPEGAV.......AVSEQxx.DAT..........Contains MPEG files, max. 99 tracks of main movie, menus, etc.
    CDDA.........AUDIOxx.DAT..........Contains optional Audio files if video and audio are not combined
    SEGMENT......ITEMxxx.DAT..........Contains segmented play items up to 999 segments, menus, still pictures
    KARAOKE......KARINFO.zzz..........Contains optional files related to Karaoke
    EXT..........PSD_X.VCD............Optional contains extended version of PSD, VCD
    .............LOT_X.VCD............Optional contains extended version of LOT.VCD
    .............SCANDATA.DAT.........Optional contains list of I-frame pointers
    .............CAPTnn.DAT...........Optional contains Closed Caption data
    CDI..........not specified........Contains CD-i program and data files


    NERO Burning ROM / NERO Vision Standard:

    Folder_______Contains Files_______Remarks
    MPEGAV.......AVSEQxx.DAT..........MPEG files if basic material is Video
    SEGMENT......ITEMxxx.DAT..........MPEG files if basic material is slideshow (One .DAT for each picture)
  7. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Did the assignment of files to folders on the burned VCD differ between Roxio and Nero?
  8. killalot

    killalot Active member

    Nov 7, 2002
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    I use Proshow Gold for vcd slide shows excellent software I most admit I haven’t read all the thread but I know from previous experience with Nero doing audio cds it use to mess up the audio proshow for me as always been on the money worth a try but like its been said might be your player worth trying though as it’s a 15 day free trial it does vcd slide shows but not sure if it does vcd movies
  9. Orientsig

    Orientsig Guest

    Dear attar,
    The slide show files were located at the VCD created with Roxio in the following subdirectories:

    A file AVSEQ01.DAT was located at directory MPEGAV.
    This file contains the Video slideshow created with Roxio.

    A file ITEM001.DAT was located at directory SEGMENT.
    This file contained the directory picture.

    Aside the experienced problems as described started this VCD immediately with no problems in both of my VCD players, Sony and Philips. The direcory picture was shown and it worked.

    Dear killalot,
    I'll try the Proshow Gold software. Thanks!
    With regards
  10. Orientsig

    Orientsig Guest

    Daer killalot,
    I tried ProShow Gold Evaluation Version.
    I prepared a slide show with the same pictures I used in Nero.
    I added the same music files as to the Nero slide show.
    I burned the VCD.
    The result was excellent.
    Excellent quality of Video excellent quality of voice on both of my VCD players.
    ProShow is THE solution for VCD
    Thanks a lot for your advice.

    The files were distributed to the following VCD directories (257 pictures were encoded at the slideshow, underlayed with .wav and .mp3 voice).

    Directory MPEGAV:....2 files: AVSEQ01 and AVSEQ02 containing the slide show

    Directory SEGMENT:...1 file INDEX001 containing the menue.

    As already told, everything worked perfect.

    The problems, experienced with Nero Vision, are Nero made. An own format as Nero seems to create is not a good solution. The format has to be compatible with all players, burners, etc. what Nero Vision obviously cannot guarantee.

    By the way, I could immediately start and complete the slideshow with ProShop, I did not need any guidance. That means the program is easy to use.
    With regards
  11. morguex

    morguex Guest

    I disagree with your statements about nero, I have been using it for 3+ years now and I find it is an excellent product for just about everything (slide shows, dvd making, vcd making and so on)
    I'm sorry to hear you have had such problems with it.
    But hey if you found a program that works for you thats great.

    Peace all
  12. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Your statement about ROXIO is true, it's a complicated horrible mess to work with.
  13. killalot

    killalot Active member

    Nov 7, 2002
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    I’m glad it worked orientsig like I said proshow is excellent software I’ve done many a slideshow with it and results always been on the money friends and family have been amazed at the results and thought I was a computer whiz when really it’s the software that gave the excellent results there is a lot of fine tunes menus etc available that I still haven’t got to grasp with yet like I said glad I could help
  14. westie69

    westie69 Member

    Aug 17, 2007
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    has any one any proof that imgburn is better than nero 7 for burning images ie. a screen shot of nero cd/dvd speed because no where on AfterDawn has any one proved that one is better than ther other and with me being so picky about stuff i like to no im feeding my wii with good top quality burns....

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