I downloaded Nero Premium Reloaded V7.9.6.0 Complete. I tried to install it. EVeryting perfect including key. When its started installing it asks to install direct x 9.0c. I downloded it too and installed. When i try to install Direct X it says its already installed and ready to use. My OS is XP Sp2. Pls some 1 help me how to install it.
Nero 7 is a new generation program designed to be highly compatibe with the new Windows Vista. If you are expirienceing problems like i did, this is the main issue. Ultra was not speciafiacally designed for Xp Sp2. Even if you do find a solution to installing it, DONT! It will kill and overrun all the subapplications that run in you task bar. You wont be abe to use hotkeys, or any program that runs in the task bar without reinstalling it, and this takes time because there are a LOT. To sum up, just get an older version or get Vista. And i tell you all this from expience.!
I don´t agree. I have used Nero 7 with Windows XP SP2 Home for months without any problem. About DirectX, search the forum, this topic has been raised before several times.
Who says two PC's work alike? I just recommended him not to install it which i still do; i never forced him not to...but hey, you might be right bait1010; you should try installing it but if problems persist, you can always do a backup of windows before the installation!
@zapatero The version referred to is also have Nero 7 installed but had problems with and now use and recommend
Thank you gwendolin;like i was saying bait1010 you should go for an older version, cuz the new one is not perfect.