Nero Protection Error 89

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by R_Goodwin, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. R_Goodwin

    R_Goodwin Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    I have installed "Nero 6 Reloaded Package One" ("Nero-") version
    In "Nero Burning ROM" when I open "Extras" and click on either: "Encode Files..." or "Save Tracks..." I get the following error message:

    "Protection Error
    Error: 89

    Clicking on "OK" closes Nero Burning ROM.

    Also, if I try to open "Nero Express" exactly the same error message appears instead of the application.

    If I use Start/Run... type "msconfig"/General: Selective Startup and UNcheck: "Load startup group items" and reboot, Windows loads with nothing in the Systems Tray except for "Norton Internet Security 2001" which I then disable so it also is removed from the Systems Tray. Then, with nothing loaded to the Systems Tray I still get the above issues with Nero.

    However, the issues do not occur when Windows is placed in Safe mode!
    I assume that must mean there is a driver or drivers on the system which are conflicting with Nero but I cannot identify them.

    I have followed Nero technical support advice to uninstall all Nero applications from 'Add/Remove Programs', then run the "Nero 6 General Clean Tool" and then install the latest version of Nero (so that the Nero currently installed is the version mentioned above).
    Unfortunately doing all that did not resolve the above issues.

    I have no idea how to identify the driver or drivers which I assume are causing a conflict and therefore this issue.
    A solution would be appreciated.

  2. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Virus protection software has been known to cause this error. Was protection software running when you did the installation? If so, uninstall, run the Nero 6 Clean Tool and the Driver/Registry Clean Tool and try installing again with protection off. Also try installing

    Package 1:
    Package 2:
  3. R_Goodwin

    R_Goodwin Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Hello laddyboy,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I first tried to install Package One with nothing in the Systems Tray using Start/Run... msconfig/General: UNchecked "Load startup group items" and rebooted.
    Nothing then present in the Systems Tray other than "Norton Internet Security 2001" which I then disabled, so that then there was nothing present in the Systems Tray.
    But when I then installed "Package One", Setup ended with "Protection Error 89".
    I then reverted the drive with "GoBack 3" to prior the installation attempt and then installed "Package One" successfully in Safe mode.

    Therefore no applications were running when it was installed.

    I hope to receive a solution.

  4. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I'm not sure what's going on. NIS may have a crippling driver running in the background. Did you run the Nero Driver/Registry Clean Tool before trying to install? The fact that it installs in Safe mode suggests a rogue driver from another application.
  5. R_Goodwin

    R_Goodwin Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Hello Laddyboy,

    Thanks for your further response.

    The short answer is yes I did.

    However, just in case it may help, please see below my note about the installation, from the system diary I keep:

    - - - - extract starts: - - - -

    Further to the note of 9.5.2007, being the repeat of the exercise of 13.1.2006 to try to correct the loss of functions in Nero, following further technical support advising the use of the latest installer, downloaded on 25.5.2007, the latest "Nero 6 Reloaded (Gold Edition) Package One" installer ("Nero-"), from: "".

    In "CBSS - only UNchecked LSGI" - with nothing present in the Systems Tray, attempted to uninstall existing version from 'Add/Remove Programs' but got "Error 251" (Not "Protection Error 251").
    Then reverted drive to prior the attempted installation and then uninstalled successfully in Safe mode.
    Then rebooted and also in Safe mode successfully uninstalled
    "Nero Media Player" from 'Add/Remove Programs'.

    Then rebooted, cleared C:\Windows\Temp and pasted there the
    "Nero 6 General Clean Tool" ("General-CleanTool.exe") where "Nero", "Nero ImageDrive" and "Nero Media Player" were listed and I selected to "Clean All".

    I shut down and removed the power cord for 10 minutes
    and then booted to "CBSS - only UNchecked LSGI" - with nothing present in the Systems Tray,
    where cleared C:\Windows\Temp
    and pasted there the "Nero 6 Reloaded Package One"
    ("Nero-") and selected:
    "Install Nero Software without Ask Toolbar",
    but it concluded with the following error:
    "Protection Error: 251".
    Reverted drive to prior the attempt to install
    and then in Safe mode successfully repeated the above install.

    Then found that the "Protection Error 89" encountered with
    "Nero Burning ROM" - Extras/"Encode Files" and "Save Tracks" and with "Nero Express", do not occur in Safe mode but do occur in normal mode."
    - - - - end of extract - - - -

    I hope to hear further from you.


  6. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I'm beginning to think you have registry/OS problems. Have you tried an earlier restore point with any success? A generalized registry cleaner? The Nero reistry checker only eliminates specific things Nero looks for.

    Unless this is somehow hardware related which seems unlikely (but one never can be sure), the best approach may be to backup your data, reformat your system drive and reinstall the OS. I do this at least twice a year myself just to keep my OS as clean and pure as possible. I use mine hard with lots of different software, so mine gets corrupted/dirtied up quite a bit. I keep a ghosted copy of the OS after updates on another hard drive so it's a fairly easy task for me to wipe the drive and reinstall the OS.
  7. R_Goodwin

    R_Goodwin Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Hello Laddyboy,

    Thanks for your further response.

    The problems don't occur in Safe mode so it is my understanding that a driver or drivers are indicated as the most likely cause, but don't know (in the circumstances I have described) how to identify the offending driver or drivers.

    There's no applicable point in time possible to revert the drive or restore any registry because this issue has existed for about 18 months. Nero Tech support said they would refer it to their software developers but no further news about that has been forthcoming.

    I'm not sure what you mean by the "Nero Registry checker" - what's that?

    I feel that reinstalling an operating system and consequently reinstalling drivers, reinstallng security patches and also all separately installed applications, would not be an proportionate solution for issues that exist with just one application.

  8. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I'm not sure what you mean by the "Nero Registry checker" - what's that?

    The Nero Driver Clean Tool and Registry Checker I linked to in an earlier post:

    There are lots of other registry cleaners around. Just do a search. Some are free.

    We'll have to differ on reinstalling the OS and reformatting the HDD. It's part of normal twice a year maintenance for all my systems. There's just too many programs that leave junk lying about even after uninstalling them. I currently have a laptop that won't go into screen saver mode that I'll have to reformat and reload the OS on to solve the problem. Somethings corrupted in the OS.

    Cleaners do a decent job but I find whenever I run into a system snag, it's just as easy to reinstall the OS from scratch as to try to isolate the culprit.

    Maybe the Nero Driver Clean Tool and Reg Checker will solve your problem if you haven't yet run it.
  9. R_Goodwin

    R_Goodwin Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Hello Laddyboy,

    Thanks for your responses.

    You will recall that in my first message in this thread, I referred to the error message I get if attempting to access the mentioned Nero conponents:

    "Protection Error
    Error: 89

    I would be interested to know if possible, what the error message really means.

    Please could you explain the following:

    What does this mean: "Protection Error Error: 89" ?

    If not covered by the first answer - of the error message text, what does this mean: "Protection Error" ?

    Also, if not covered by the first answer - of the error message text, what does this mean: "Error: 89" ?

    Finally, is the error message generated by Nero or by Windows?
    (When encountering the same issue in the past with earlier versions of Nero, the error message then obtained had been:
    "Illegal operation".)

    I hope to hear from you.

  10. R_Goodwin

    R_Goodwin Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Hello Laddyboy,

    I hope to hear from you regarding the message that I just posted but I just wanted to also ask what "The Nero Driver Clean Tool and Registry Checker" will do. I have not so far used that one. I used the "Nero General Clean Tool" which appears to be something different.

    The link you mentioned for "The Nero Driver Clean Tool and Registry Checker":

    "Run Driver-CleanTool.exe by double-clicking it. Driver CleanTool will remove all drivers and registry entries."

    What drivers and registry entries does this mean - does it mean Nero ones or drivers belonging to other applications/devices?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  11. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    The Driver/Registry Clean Tool checks the drivers installed on your system and looks for those known to conflict with Nero's drivers. You then have the option of zapping the conflicting drivers. The registry checker is used afterwards to make sure the offending drivers are actually removed.

    Protection error is a pretty general term. There are Windows Protection errors as well as others. To the best of my knowledge, protection errors occur when software accesses code that it knows is not according to hoyle based on whatever heuristics are built into the software.

    Sometimes spyware can cause the problem. Sometimes antiviral software can cause the problem. Viruses can cause the problem.

    Do a search on your system for these files:


    Also check to see if you have any Cybermedia programs installed.
  12. R_Goodwin

    R_Goodwin Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Hello Laddyboy,

    You wrote:
    " Do a search on your system for these files:

    Well done! Those drivers where the ones causing the issues (as described in my first message in this thread) and the software to which the two files belonged was no longer needed.

    Those two files were located at: C:\Program Files\CyberMedia and were installed on 17.9.2000 by the installation of:
    Network Associates "First Aid 2000 v. 6.1", "CyberMedia Oil Change" and a patch for "First Aid": "faie5upd.exe".
    I have now uninstalled those applications and the two files in question are no longer on the system.

    Thank you for your help.

  13. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    you're very welcome.

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