can anyone help, i downloaded the trial version of nero 6ultra and nerovision. i'm trying to copy a dvd but whenever i import dvd on "nero recode 2" i get an error message "nero recode 2 encountered an error meggade and cannot continue" it doesn't say what is the error. help
Bobbyp: I had the exact problem error msg. Got this from another thread. Don't ask me to explain, but it worked for me. Try this: "I too was having the same problem with Nero Recode crashing upon selecting any option from the menu. So a little research later (process explorer+dr watson logs), I renamed the file in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\NeNDGui.dll to NeNDGui.bak and Recode started fine without crashing." Quote came from "jackmills", so if it works for you like it did for me, give him the credit for the tip.