I have NERO 6 Ultra and each time I attempt to use Nero Recode it blocks me and instructs me to purchase the PlugIn. When I go to the NERO Website it says I don't need to purchase the PlugIn if I have NERO 6 Ultra. Is there something one needs to do to activate the permissions in Recode?
Try opening Nero Vision Express, click the question mark in the lower left, and enter your serial number.
Thanks for answering my post. I just did all the updates this morning and read the forum to see if there was a fix. I read about the serial number entry in a previous post and tried that but still the same problem. I couldn't find a place for a sn entry in recode2 but did the entry in nerovision2. I've used the program before but have never used recode. I'm stumped. I did a search on google for a fix and ran across - Nero Recode Hotfix - on http://www.softlandmark.com/NeroBurningROM.htm has anyone heard about this. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]JV[/small]
I've never had to do this, enter my serial number for every download. Try this ... Open Smartstart, in the upper left click on NERO. Click the serial numbers tab, and delete that serial number, then re-enter you serial number. Also there is a new version of Nero. Download em' and when you install it will show your serial number, make sure it's in every install. I've only had to enter my serial number once ... When I installed download #1, all the others just used the same serial number. Also where did you purchase your Nero 6?
Tried it but it didn't work. The first copy I got from eagletronics but Ahead blacklisted that sn so I couldn't update. A message came up after the update install - so a person knew there was a problem there. This copy I got from Frys - $50 Rebate =19.99 - last week. I don't seem to have a lot of luck with NERO. Thanks for trying to help - That's more than I've got from e-mailing Ahead the first incident. I'm not looking forward to talking to them this time.
Yea some have had problems with eagletronics, but were solve when they just issued a different sn. So your store bought copy won't activate? Have you tried uninstalling? and re-installing?
Yeah - tried that twice. I have a replacement copy coming in the mail from eagletronics but got this from frys as insurance. It may be that there are tings with the registry I may have to clean. I'll get in touch with Ahead in the AM and work with shrink and Burning Rom until I get it fixed. I was just experimenting with different methods and made this discovery. Thanks again for your help.
Had the exact same thing happen to me when installing the update, I had to goto Ahead site and in the download section, there is a program that you can run that will clear all previous installs. 1) Delete your current copy on your puter, 2) Run that program 3) Install your new copy. This same problem was addressed here before and someone had the link for that program but I am unsure the exact addy.