I know there was a thread about it here somwhere, but it looked kinda dead... If you could please help me... I'm running Nero 7 Premium on WinXP Pro SP2. I've been doing it since nero 7 got released, and never had this error until now that I've re-installed Windows(for the 1000th time) and suddenly I can't burn any cds or dvds... =\ Here's the whole log:
Thanks, but that did not solve anything for me... I don't know if I mentioned it, but I think it appeared in the log: I'm using an Asus DRW-1814BL Lightscribe drive, and it seems there are many known issues with it... Problem is I scaled the net and didn't find a solution to my problem. My problem is that Windows doesn't recognise the drive as a writer, but only as a reader. Upgrading the Asus firmware doesn't help either. the driver update utility of WinXP is useless... =\ I tried uninstalling, then re-installing the ASPI-drivers... No good... Is there a chance someone has an idea?
First up, remove this from your post (edit) This version of Nero contains some bugs, uninstall, run this clean tool http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/en/Clean_Tools.html and then install this more stable version, BOTH packages Package 1: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/Nero- Package 2: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/NVE- I recommend 4X for DVDs and 32X for CDs As mentioned, your DMA needs to be on and CRC error indicates a dirty or scratched disc.