nero says all my files are over 4.7 gig and wont burn. help!!!!

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cblake, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. cblake

    cblake Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    everytime i go to burn a dvd it says the file is too high for capacity. for example i d/l'e the assassination of jesse james and the file was 900 mb when i d/l'd it. it was just a straight up .avi file it didnt require any unzipping or anything. when i put it into nero 7 essentials to burn it says the file is above 4.7 gig and will go thru the burn process but when its finished it will say not enough space on disk. i am using a dvd-rw maxell disc. i get an error message that states in order to burn try disabling the following options

    -disable burn of original slideshow pics
    -disable animation of buttons and backgrounds
    -reduce encoding quality
    -remove or shorten file names

    i have not made any changes on any of these options i am using nero at its default settings. anyone have any tips or suggestions to make this burn go thru? is there a better program i should use other than nero? any help would be appreciated b/c all i am trying to accomplish is burning some videos so me and my preggers wife can watch some movies lol. let me know how you as a dvd burner are able to d/l and burn onto dvd to be able to watch on your home dvd player if nero is not the option to be using let me know. thanks.
  2. nasayin

    nasayin Regular member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    You will have to reduce the encoding quality
  3. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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