I am using the latest version of Nero 7 and Showtime 3 with the HD DVD/Blu-Ray plug in. I'm running Vista 32 (also had same errors on Win XP MCE) and the XBox 360 HD external drive. The drive is recognized by the system, and when I run the InfoTool, it states that I pass all the tests and am "ready for HD DVD Video playback". When I try to play a HD DVD in the drive, I get the following error: "Unable to read part of a file on the DVD. Playback may be affected." I've tried a couple different HD DVD disks, and they all have the same error. The screen is black and the counter on the display appears to be playing the disk until I click OK to close the error. A standard DVD plays through the drive with no problems. Has anyone had this problem and was able to fix it? I'm desperate and about ready to dump the whole thing.