i use nero 5.5.10 i think,and trying to burn an 800mb cd, my cdr stopped working.it just opens and shuts and nothing else.from the properties menu i see that even there is nothing in it the d drive looks full 100 per cent.i uninstalled nero,rebooted but nothing happened again.also the recorder was asking everytime for a new medium, whatever that is ,but it doesn t recognized it.i would appreciate any help cause i m one step before formating.
Hi, What make/model is the burner? How old is it? You might also try updating Nero to if you haven't already and make sure your ASPI is in good order. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium[/small]
hi, i have a teaccd-w552e.never had a problem before.i bought it last january.i downloaded something to check the aspi and evrything was ok.I will try updating thought.also when going in d drive properties \hardware i see the name of the cd i was trying to burn when this occured. thanks for the help
It might be worthwhile to uninstall the drive through Device Manager, reboot and let Windows find and install the drive.
Was that comment really required Oriphus? -- not everyone has the perfect command of the English language as yourself -- let's not forget that the Internet is a multilingual and open environment. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]ASUS A7N8X-X, XP2500+ OC'd to XP3200+ Samsung 1024MB, PC2700 480GB [3x160GB, 7200, 8MB] EVGA, GeForce4 Ti4600 128MB Rules and Policies: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487 AFTERDAWN IRC: irc.addictz.net, #ad_buddies COME SAY HI![/small]
ok nice.thanks guys!!!i m not really proud of my english, and moreover for my knowledge over hardware problems.while you 're lol with me i m not burning anything and that s more irritating than anything else i believe. any further help is always welcome!!
I just took a second look at the post again and Nero had overburning issues and was addressed by Nero with some patch or some other. Give it a quick lookover, might save some problem
Here's the patch: ftp://ftp6.nero.com/support_doc/Nero551050Issue5203Patch.exe _X_X_X_X_X_[small]ASUS A7N8X-X, XP2500+ OC'd to XP3200+ Samsung 1024MB, PC2700 480GB [3x160GB, 7200, 8MB] EVGA, GeForce4 Ti4600 128MB Rules and Policies: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487 AFTERDAWN IRC: irc.addictz.net, #ad_buddies COME SAY HI![/small]
great.it worked for me.now i m hoping my burner will work too.thanks after a little research i found from the system error report that the cd rom drive has a bad block????with event id 7.any idea what that means??