Hi Everyone, I have the latest version of Nero 7 Ultra edition. When I update Nero 7 via their Product Setup, I find out that it does not remove older entries from the add-remove program tool list. The last time this happened, I uninstalled the older program , in add-remove, and it uninstalled the current Nero version , which I had to then re-install. I'm kind of sure Nero actually removed the older versions, but it did not remove the entry from the add-remove program list. I have 2-entries in my add-remove program list, both with different versions numbers. But the version number that is displayed in Nero Startsmart(version I'm using) is diiferent than both numbers in the add-remove program list. Also the 2 Nero entries in the add-remove program list both have different installer numbers. Does anyone know of a way I can remove the "orphaned" entries from the add-remove program list, without uninstalling the current version ? Thanks.
Try running this clean tool http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Nero7_CleanTool.html I personally do not like the latest offering by Nero use and recommend an older version