I have been into the Big Box stores here looking for Nero for my new notebook and find that they are trying to sell their stock of Nero 7 before they get in the vers 8. I like to purchase from the retail outlet and wondered if vers 8 is better than vers 7 re fixes of glitches in the program ?? I don't need high def and a lot that the ultra 8 does, however I do want a program that is reliable with glitches fixed from the prior version if there were any. I would appreciate experienced comments, thankyou. BTW, the stores said that they will get vers 8 in eventually, but are only carrying a few at a time trying to sell out of the version 7 that their warehouse still has. Apparently I can go on a wait list for when the next few of vers 8 comes in $99 cdn.
Just to let you know if you want nero 8 it's on sale at staples in canada for 59.91 this week. you can order it on line at staple.ca or go to a outlet.
Thx for the reply re Nero 8, I am still wondering about Nero 7 which abounds in the retail outlets. If I were to purchase it, is there still a Link to d/l to best of the upgrades that works well just as my reliably still does? Thankyou.
I phoned Staples and they indicated that the Ultra 8 Edition was for an Upgrade and was a much larger program with "bells and whistles" and this was in comparison to vers. 7 They also advised that it was Vista oriented and also high def which is of no interest to me. I am not upgrading, I am wanting a Nero version to install from scratch. Again, thankyou. BTW, here in the north west there are few channels in high def. It maybe the future, but for the few channels and the cost of the "big box" from the cable co. plus the fact that we don't watch a lot of tv, our regular tv will suffice until there is some major change up here. My bro has a high def that is very good on the few channels that are high def, however very grainy and hard to watch on the majority of the channels which are not high def. Just thought that I would add this info that I got from the Staples Rep that I usually deal with. I really wish that i could simply get vers. 6 and use as I do on my other notebook, it is more than adequate for my needs and does the job I require. Thankyou
Mate the difference between Series 7 and 8 is hardly noticeable. I used the 7 Ultra Suite for about 6 months or so and recently switched to 8, discovering along the way that there's no compelling reason to upgrade.. Apart from a new, some-what annoying layout, some new tools like "Rescue Agent" and some extra features when it comes to burning and compiling data discs, there's really nothing different. Nero MediaHome is only completely new Nero App., a handy content streaming tool that can stream media files to your TV, other computers/laptops and portable devices. But who the hell cares about streaming? Stick with 7 and save some cash buddy...
@ Amir89 What Appa was saying he doesn't have 7, they want to sell him 7. No sense buying 7 when 8 is out, you can update as the bugs are out. But if you buy 7 no more updates. So until the nero 8 is better i would suggest he stay with version which he has or can update to. Opps that is if he doesn't have vista!!!
Also forgot to mention, a lot of users, myself included have reported or noticed strange bugs, glitches, even crashes that never happened before in Nero 7 or previous versions. That's why if your on 7 currently stick with it, it's a tad more reliable and offers pretty much the same stuff.
Let me try this again, I have Nero on my toshiba 2410, this was upgraded to that stable version when I bought version 6 and registered it. Now on one of my newer toshiba's, the m50-mx5 notebook I want to add a version of Nero. I would have preferred it to be as that is all I fundamentally need. Unfortunately it is not available and so I have to purchase either the Ultimate Edition 7 or 8. There is an abundance of vers. 7 here and wait listing customers for when the store gets in the odd vers 8 as they are trying to sell out of the vers 7 that their stock room is full of. The nature of my query is.... In version 7 is there a stable upgrade that is still available (the working quality ) of was/continues to be for me on my other notebook. If there is a specific upgrade in that version I may then consider version 7, as I don't want half of the bells and whistles on either version 7 or 8 but will have to live with them since that is all that is available. I hope this clears the picture up re my decision making here. Thankyou BTW, an earlier poster mentioned the Staples store selling Ultra Edition 8 on sale, however I was advised that it was the upgrade version ??? I don't understand what that means as I have only seen full retail versions for sale in their stores before. This would then mean that I would require a prior licensed version on this other notebook to install this on sal Ultra 8 Edition???
(whatever that means to the sales rep??? and myself). Does it simply mean...upgrade your computer and buy this version?? or this is an upgrade version and you need a prior version to install...the sales reps seem hazy on this????? I look forward to a reply, again thankyou for your time.
I had the best version of nero (imo) then i went to 7 and had some problems with early releases. But now i have the latest nero 7 version and have not had any problems with this version. and it is the last one to be released i think. Everything is nero 8 now.
Appa, If you decide to purchase Nero 7 , you can download the finite version here. It's pretty stable and bugs-free in my opinion. But, you also have to take into consideration that Nero 8 will eventually stabilize. So, I don't know if it's wise to invest in Nero 7 when updates are no longer presented.
Thx for the replies, I went over to Staples which is a couple of blocks from me, actually there are 2 stores within one quarter mile and I talked to the manager at one of the stores whom I have known for sometime. He advised that indeed it is the full version Ultra Edition 8 that is on sale for $59 cdn as the store got a special deal on them as the rep for the product explained that there has not been a large demand for the version. Users are still buying up version 7 which Staples is still selling at Full Price. Since I am still back using version on my other toshiba without incident, and am definitely no expert in Nero software why would I want to buy version 8 when the program is so big and has so many things that I won't be using at all ?? I know the good intentions are that the Nero 7 is at the end of its tether, however if it meets my needs why would I really want to get vers 8?? And wade through all of its glitches etc. when all I want is a reliable program. I read one of the prior posts mention that the latest upgrade of vers 7 was OK and mention of vers being stable...though I don't know of its availability??? Just curious, b/c I am still motoring along in the "Dark Ages " with vers on my other toshiba. And I am still using as an example M$ office 2003 and it meets my needs. Sorry if I seem dull in the area of upgrades, however I like to be knowlegeable before I leap ! I know that I can get Vers 7 from a small computer store for $40 and if it is not buggy...the last upgrade (I refer to per one of the prior posters) and the program is smaller does that not merit consideration. However on the other hand there is the option, for an extra $20 cdn. I can get the Ultra Edition 8 which I understand to be a bloated program filled with options that I will never use?? plus being a recent release is probably somewhat buggy as the Staples tech said was his experience in comparing the vers 7 and 8 as he has both on 2 toshiba notebooks that he is using. It was this Tech at Staples where I buy my notebooks from, that suggested I post this to get comments from experienced users. Again thankyou for the review of my post and I indeed look forward to comments !!!
Appa, What particular plug-ins in Nero do you frequently use? Perhaps you don't need Nero at all? As there might be freewares out there that'll satisfy your needs.
At this point it is basicly your call, there is not much difference in the sizes of 7 and 8 . If you don,t have vista and are using xp , Then stick with nero for awhile till the bugs are worked out of 8. but if you have vista 6 won't work. And if you choose to buy 7, any boxed version of 7 can be updated Free, to the latest version as soon as you install it
I can't use Nero version 6 as I only have the one copy and upgraded to version on my older toshiba. It is my new toshiba that I need to get Nero for and the only versions on sale now are Ultra 7 and 8. I know that vers 8 has way too many bells and whistles for me, as does vers 7; however I see that the bugs apparently have been worked out of vers 7, per an earlier posters comments who indicated that the last upgrade did this and so I am simply asking for the rationale as to why I would want to buy a new vers which is large with a lot of toys on it that I will never use and trudge through the use of it while bugs are worked out. Heaven knows that when I first got involved with Nero, the horrid mistake that I made installing InCd which I would never do again and of course b/c of the trade up policy with our notebooks I never do an install of a new version over top of another ie. have to use the Nero Clean Tool and so I looking for a version that will be the only one used on this notebook. All of my notebooks have only one version of Nero ever installed on them b/c of the upgrading I do with my notebooks, which is that I buy one every 3 years after the extended warranty from toshiba which includes droppage etc. runs out. This is in part due to my profession as well as personal choice. So now I am trying to decide on which version for this newer toshiba.
I am right with you about all the stuff that Nero 8 brings and I will have no use for it. That's why I have an old version of Nero 7(never upgraded to the lates nero 7 since the one that I have never let me down). If you are happy with Nero 6 and it meets your needs, I would get nero 6. http://www.softpedia.com/get/CD-DVD-Tools/Data-CD-DVD-Burning/Nero-Burning-Rom-6.shtml I think this latest version of Nero,, is a stable one. You can try it on the one laptop anfd if happy with it, you can update on the older Toshiba.
i had nero 7 ultra and now have nero 8.i dont see much difference,ive had no problems with either.point being nero 8 will soon have any bugs worked out.what is the price difference between 7 and 8?
At the moment there appears to be a possibility that the vers 8 is actually cheaper as what I saw at the Staples store a short while ago in spite of the fact that it says "upgrade" on the ad; it is actually the full version of Ultra Ed. 8 and it is selling for $59 cdn while now the vers. 7 continues to be at $100 ???? Looks like it will have to be version 8 if the price difference is cheaper for the newer version. I guess in spite of any glitches, I will have to install and ride out the storm. The problem then is to find out how to correctly install it without the InCd as I have forgotten the way to install after the version 6 of sometime ago.
Staples flyer and website and in the store. I checked out the box with the manager and sales rep that I have bought my notebooks from over the years and there is nothing on the box that says Upgrade. This is in British Columbias flyer. I still don't like all the "bells and whistles" and am not sure how to install as I mentioned it has been sometime since I did the install of vers 6 on the old toshiba and I don't want InCd.