This is my first time posting here but i have a problem....i use windows xp ver2 and i am trying to run nero vision 4. the problem is every time i go to import a file to burn nero is like instantanious. it won't even stay open a second to click a file. it has worked in the past but for some strange reason it just won't stay open. i tried opening it in safe mode to see if there was a bug or something causing it to not open and i did receive a pop up that said that i didn't have directx enabled or something like that. basically i don't have hardware accelerated or something along those lines. does anyone know how i fix this or what is going on....i would appreciate it. thank you in advance for the assistance.
You can check for problems thus: Start > Run > dxdiag I would be more inclined towards running the Nero Clean tools and reinstalling. Good luck.
well i checked directx as you suggested and i am running directx9. it said everything was fine. i have already uninstalled and reinstalled nero once....i was just hoping there was something...perhaps another program that keeps nero vision from being able to stay open when i click on add video files. as soon as i click backs out and shuts down. it hasn't always done fact it worked perfectly for a few months...then it would do this only when i clicked on my other directories when i added them to my harddrive ...ex. my g,h,and i drives. so basically i would move the movies over to my documents and could access them it won't even stay open for that...just very frustrating.
Do Nero Express and Nero Burning Rom work. Anything odd about the file name. Does Taskmanager indicate high CPU/memory usage.
nothing odd about the file...i can't even get that far to see a file to simply immediately crashes as soon as i click the add file button. nero express is crashing too now...nero rom works ok. when i run nero vision it opens using about 37,000kb but when i try to open a file to load it gets up to 60,000 before crashing. i really don't know if that is alot or not....i have had other programs use almost twice as much and not crash though.