While converting or trancoding WMV files to create a DVD movie, nero vision 4 just shuts down with no error messages. Very frustating. Running XP pro. Had the same problem 2 years ago. Found a solution here. Now same problem, but no solution. Please help.
Was the transcoding going on for a long time before shutdown? If so maybe you have an overheating problem that shut down the system. Also make sure your Nero is up to date. Some versions of Nero and thus Nerovision are buggy. Nerovision isn't the greatest conversion program in the world either. Try ConvertXtoDVD and see if you still get a shutdown: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/
Thanks for the kind reply, but Nero Vision shuts down, not the computer. After a while, it "closes" by itself without any error messages. It just dies. Thanks for the software suggestion.
Other things to try. Go back to an earlier restore point when you know things worked OK. Uninstall Nero, run the Nero 7 Clean Tool as well as the Driver Clean Tool, and reinstall Nero or or http://www.nero.com/nero7/enu/Nero7_CleanTool.html http://www.nero.com/nero7/enu/Driver_CleanTool_and_RegistryChecker.html http://www.nero.com/nero7/enu/nero7-up.php http://filehippo.com/download_nero_7_premium/ Also make sure you have enough memory and disk space. NVE is pretty buggy w/r/t conversions at times.
I used the nero cleaning tool. Didn't know about that removal tool. I reninstalled from scratch from a CD I had. I then updated to 7.10.something. And voilĂ . Works like a charm. In fact, it transcodes the wmv files faster now. Thanks. But that experience left a bad taste in my mouth and I will try Corel VideoStudio soon.