Guys, I downloaded a couple of videos in MKV format, the volume on these was very low so i downloaded AC3 filter - plays lovely on my pc now, volume is the same as any other title. I figured when i burn this to DVD all will be fine, so i converted from MKV to mpeg2 and burned to DVD using nero vision but the volume is still very low when compared to other titles. I also have a strange problem where intermittently the audio will make a loud pop-screech type sound, then the sound will be very quiet for a few minutes- the volume gradually increases over time then POP again and quiet audio. This happens at the same time every time if i rewind the DVD and replay it. Also, the voices get out of sync more and more over time. I had this before with Nero 7 so went back to nero 6 and this fixed it, i thought it'd be fixed with nero 8 but it doesnt seem to be? unless im missing a trick? So my questions are: How do i fix the audio out of sync problem? how do i increase the master volume on a per file basis? Thanks guys!
Here's a thread that deals with the Nero sync problem and solution: Here's another that say Nero fixes the sync problem: To adjust the sound in NeroVision: In Edit mode, select the Timeline view. Right click on the video track and select Properties. Adjust the volume slider.
Thanks buddy, is there any way to "normalise" or equalise the volume? its all well and good turning it up on one, but i want them al the same! Thanks
Not in Nero I don't think. : AVIs with MP3s: This is not something I do other than adjust a specific track so I'm not going to be of much help. I would imagine one of the other forums dealing with DVD Video Authoring or AVI to DVD might be better.