Nero Vision. What am I doing wrong?

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by jeffmahar, Jul 29, 2007.

  1. jeffmahar

    jeffmahar Guest

    I am trying to fit 2 episodes of my favorite show onto a single DVD-5. One episode is 1h long and the other is about 47min, making the total time under 2h. I have the quality set to "Automatic(fit to disk)", but above the blue bar (where it tells total space used) it says my quality is only good? I thought that if I have roughly around 2h of data then the quality should be closer to Excellent? I am noticing a lower quality when I watch them and I am wondering what I might be doing wrong? Should I just burn around 2 hours in high quality and then use DVD shrink? Any thoughts?
  2. jeffmahar

    jeffmahar Guest

  3. jeffmahar

    jeffmahar Guest

    anyone at all? I tried it again with a movie that was less than 2h. I set the quality to "automatic" but I still am only getting "good" quality not excellent? How should I burn this file to get the best possible picture quality?
  4. carlwit

    carlwit Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    I use dvdShrink and cannot notice any loss of quality.
  5. jeffmahar

    jeffmahar Guest

    What are the steps you take up until you use DVD shrink?
  6. carlwit

    carlwit Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    I try to avoid double layer copies. Incompatbility and reliability problems. Original DVD in ---> dvdShrink copy out. I cannot see any loss of quality. I do not use deep analysis amd adaptive error correction. I view my dvds on a 27" conventional tv and sometimes on a big screen projection system.

    Hope this helps,
    Carl W.

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