Nero Vision won't show video as it's transcoding anymore

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by arridian, Sep 6, 2022.

  1. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    Hello everyone,

    I'm not sure which version of Nero I have. It just says "Nero Vision" and I can't get any info by clicking "about". Anyway, a few months ago it was working fine on Windows 10. As of now it transcodes video fine, except now there is no video previewing as it's transcoding. I usually use mp4's and I try to stay away from mkv's as it makes the program freeze.

    Any help whatsoever would be gratefully appreciated.

  2. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Hi arridian-

    There is no version of Nero Vision that is officially compatible with Win 8 and later. People get different results when installing in those OS's and all things may or may not work. I have a suspicion as to what is causing your problem but I'd rather get more information first.

    I'd like to know the exact version you have so we can update it if necessary. In that regard, open File Explorer and go here- C:\Program Files (x86). In the Nero folder, is there a folder showing a specific version of Nero, such as Nero 10. Is so, what is it? Open it, is there a folder for Burning Rom? If so, open it and run the Nero.exe file. Select "Cancel" at the opening page. In Help, About, what is the version number shown?
  3. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    Hi wither-

    Thanks for getting back to me. I opened the Nero folder and it says Nero 11. In that folder there are 2 folders, Nero Vision and Nero Content. I checked both folders and there is no Burning Rom folder. The weird thing is, a few months ago it was working fine, showing the video as it was being transcoded, and now no preview. The end result is fine as it plays in my PlayStation 3. The version number is

    Thanks again!
  4. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Thanks for your information. Open the Nero Control Center and click on Licenses. What are the first four digits of your serial number (don't post the whole thing here)?

    You actually have Nero Video, which is Nero Vision renamed and enhanced for your and all subsequent versions. Your version is still not officially Win 10 compatible. Nero isn't officially Win 10 compatible until version 2016 although Nero tested, with success, v2015 in Win 10.

    What I think is going on, is that you need C++ 2008 SP1- (I'm going by memory here so forgive if it doesn't work out and I have to give you a different version). You can get it here-

    I suspect you have the C++2015-2019 installed. If so, the 2008 version might not install. In that case, you would need to uninstall the C++2015....... first from Control Panel and then install the 2008 version (run the .exe as administrator). Windows would automatically install the C++2015-2019 via Windows Update after you did the 2008 install and rebooted.
  5. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    I did the installing of the C++ files (removed C++ 2015 first) with no luck. When I start Nero Vision, it just goes directly to the start page where you can work with DVD's, etc.
  6. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    As I understand it, it's still not displaying the progress when you are transcoding. Is that correct? I'm confused because you're now talking about starting Nero Video rather than transcoding. When you run Nero Video, it should go to the Welcome page where you can select what you want to do under Edit and Import, Create and Export, etc.

    You didn't tell me the first four of your serial number.
  7. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    Yes, it's not showing the video when it is transcoding. Before it would show the video running at a fast speed, now nothing. It's going to the welcome page where you can select Edit and Import, Create and Export, etc. when I double click the Nero icon on the desktop.

    I can't find the control center and "licenses" is nowhere to be found.
  8. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Go back to the Nero 11 folder. Is there a folder titled "Nero Welcome?" If so, open it and double click on the "Welcome Application." You should see the Nero Control Center option. I'm at a disadvantage right now because i can't open the Welcome Application on this system and my other system with Nero 11 (I have two licenses) has been down for about 6 months. Personally, I prefer to open the Welcome Application first and select Nero Video, etc.

    Just to be sure, is the C++ 2008 shown as installed in Control Panel, Programs, Programs and Features? I forgot to mention it but you need the x86 version. Is that the one you installed?
  9. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    I checked the Nero 11 folder, and there isn't a "Nero Welcome" folder :(
    There are 2 folders in it, Nero Vision and Nero Content.
    I actually installed both the x86 and x64 versions of C++ 2008. Should I uninstall the x64 one?
    Thanks for your patience.
  10. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    I thank you for your patience as much as you do mine. They closed the Nero forum about 22 months ago and I haven't had to do very much help since then. I'm really rusty.

    You can delete the x64 version if you wish.

    I've never had the standalone version of Nero Video so I can't speak to what's there after installation but. if I remember correctly, standalone versions have either StartSmart (v10 and earlier), the Launcher, the Welcome, or the Smart apps for starting Nero, similar to the full versions of Nero. I might ask Nero but my primary contact there is on vacation until the end of the month. I also thought it had Nero Kwik Media (actually Nero MediaHome). When you open Nero Video, is that option in the Welcome screen under Tools. Does it work?

    Let's try something. Go to Nero 11 in Programs and Features. If there's a Change option (I don't have Win 10), click on Nero 11 and Change. The installation wizard screen will come up. Click on next and select Modify in the next screen. In the next screen, select Installation Settings. Click on the down arrow to the left of Nero Video. Select, "this feature will not be available." In the next screen, click on Install and then the process go to completion. When done, reboot.

    After the reboot, go back through the above process and, in the Installation Settings, select "This feature and all subfeatures............." for Nero Video and go through the installation. Reboot. Try transcoding to see if it works.

    Also, what's the version number for your v11 installation file?
  11. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    Okay, I clicked the Nero Kwik Media under Tools on the Welcome screen, and it came back with "Nero Kwik Media" has not been found.

    In Programs and Features for Nero, there is a greyed-out Modify and an Uninstall button that isn't greyed-out.

    The version number for the installation file is: 8.0.14600.27.100

    I was wondering could the problem be because of a codec or a missing one?
  12. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Where did you get that installation file? Did it ask for a serial number during installation?

    Would you provide a screen shot of the video editing screen when you select Make Movie..............?

    In regards to the codec, are you using standard mp4 or are they mp4a? Do you have the Quick Time Player installed? If not, I suggest installing it (it's free).
  13. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    I got the installation file from a friend who sold me the computer. It was already installed on the PC. Enclosed is a couple of screenshots I took. Hope they help. nero1. nero2.
  14. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Good morning (here) arridian-

    What I wanted to see is a screenshot of the video editing screen after you select Make Movie..........

    I have an inkling of what you have but the screenshot will reinforce it.

    Also, would you do a quick transcoding of the Flower Meadow video and provide a screenshot of the encoding screen where you're having the problem with the display.
  15. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    The only "make movie" I can find is listed in the first screenshot under "Edit & Import". I took a screenshot when I clicked edit & import. I'm at a loss, I can't find a video called Flower Meadow. I will try a different video instead.

    I tested a small video and it plays fine in make movie. I'm not sure how to transcode in this mode as I've never used it. I have a screenshot where I took the same video and tried to transcode it to DVD. It just shows the Nero logo and nothing else. Please excuse my ignorance, and I hope these help. nero3. nero4. nero5.
  16. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Hey- thanks for the screenshots.

    You do have Nero Video 11. However, it is bare bones since you don't have Nero MediaHome, the default Flower Meadow video, a Nero Control Center, etc. Sounds like it's an OEM version but I've never seen one so bare. Go to the Nero Content folder and look under Sample Files. Is there anything there? Also, would you provide screenshots of both the Nero Vison and Nero Content folders contents?

    Yes, the Make Movie or Slide Show is under the Edit & Import. The screen where you added the video is the Editing screen.

    Would you tell me every step you make after opening Nero Video to get to the burning screen you show since you seemed to be unaware of the Make Movie.... option.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2022
  17. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    Here is the contents of the Nero Contents folder: nero6.
    Next is how I set up a video to transcode into DVD files: nero7. nero8. nero9. nero10. nero11. at this point, I can test to see if the menu works and hit play to see the video and hear the audio. Only the audio plays now. nero12. here I set the directory and folder where I want the DVD files to go. nero13. this is the transcoding screen. It used to show the video moving quickly, but hasn't done that in months. Thanks once again.
  18. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Thanks. Nice job.

    Would you zip that video and attach it either here or upload the video to a site such as dropbox, wetransfer, etc., get a link and post the link here?

    Also, since v11 requires older versions of .net framework, Directx, etc. that you probably don't have (similar to the C++ issue), I think a reinstall would be beneficial.

    Set a system restore point.

    Do not uninstall Nero Video.

    Right click on the installation file and select Properties. In the properties, set the compatibility mode to Win 7 and to run as administrator. Apply. Run the file.

    During the installation, you shouldn't be asked for a serial number since you didn't install. It will tell you which version of C++ its installing. Might be helpful to note that. When done, reboot. Check the transcoding.
  19. arridian

    arridian Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    I'm not sure how I could convert the DVD files to make a video. They are in video_ts files.
    Also, I'm not having a problem making a playable DVD, it's just that the video for some reason won't show as it's transcoding.

    How would I set a system restore point?

    Other than that, I can reinstall it overtop of the current program. Will wait for further instructions.

    Thanks again.
  20. wither 1

    wither 1 Regular member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    Follow the instructions here-

    I don't know why you're asking about the video_ts files. That is the structure on a DVD which contains all the files required to play a disc after you burn a DVD-Video from Nero Video. In Nero, video_ts files are burned to disc using Burning Rom.

    I wanted that file about estration in a mpg4 format so I can analyze it and test it to see if I can reproduce the problem. I see it on youtube but don't have time to hunt for my youtube account information to sign in.

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