Does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on... I installed Nero6 and got all the updates for it to make it nero6.6. When i go to run the program it says that it is running, but i cant find it anywhere. if it is running it sure as hell isn't on my computer. anyone have any ideas what to do. or a better piece of software that i can use.
Nero Ultra version 6 has 15 different modules built-in ! If you choose first Nero Start Smart -- you will see a window where first of all you select Cd/DVD -- CD -- DVD . Depending on what you select there as your need of the moment -- the Right side of the window will give you icons that will change the menu shown when you put your cursor on them ,suggesting to you tasks that can be done. Clicking on any of those choices will bring up the application module you need to do that task. The Left half of that same window -- is a representation of ALL the modules availables -- You can use it to start them there ; once you are familiar with Nero Ultra 6 -- saving you a few key strokes and mouse jiggling !! Each module has its own HELP section available on Nero Website for download ! Edited for typo.
I tried all of the help documents that i could fins--no luck with that. I understand how to open a program from the smartstart center but the problem that I am having is that when I select a program it looks like it is going to open and then nothing. When I go to my task manager it says that it is running but I cant see it anywhere. When I tell it to make it a high priority and bring to front still nothing.
This looks like an installation problem !! How much RAM is installed on your PC , do you have other applications running , is the Nero Info Tool giving you any indication something is'nt right ! Have you uninstalled using Nero Cleanup Tools -- then re-installed fresh ? Edited for typo.
I have over 1gig of ram, so that not the prob. I also have tried shutting down all running programs and still nothing. I have not tried the cleanup tools but I have done a full uninstall and then have gone into the explorer and deleated all remaining tidbits.
There's only one way of uninstalling Nero -- ADD/remove then use the Nero CleanUp programs available on their site :- Edited for typo.