When the Transcoding phase begins it works fine. But after about a half hour or so, it hangs on one spot. The time remaining for both Current and Total process remains the same, as well as the Elapsed time for Current process. But the elapsed time for total process continues to count down... Sometimes the process will kick back in and start transcoding again, but then goes right back to the hanging after about 10 minutes. Then when it gets near the end, about 80% complete, it hangs for hours on end. I had one project go for 8 hours and it didn't even budge from that spot. *Note: I closed out all programs running in the background prior to burning.
Welcome Sounds like a problem with your system. Clean all spyware, post specs, does it hang on anything else?
I tried many different projects, and found out it depended on the file. Removing the files that the transcoding hung on, and replacing them, etc. I don't know why certain files work and some don't though. The video files themselves work perfectly, and are high quality.