I am trying to move all my VHS movies to DVD. The problem I am having is caused by NeroVision when creating VOB files from the mpeg2 file(s) that I made. The vob files work, when playing it in PowerDVD, but there is NO sound whatsoever. What am I doing wrong missing? Can this be done? This is my process: 1. Play the VHS on the VCR through my Hauppauge WinTV Theater card and capture it with Intervideo WinDVR to a mpeg2 DVD compliant file (as the call it). 2. Use nero express to load the mpeg2 file(s) and then burn the DVD vob-files to DISK. 3. No sound in the "DVD-image".
seems i had that problem once. no sound at all, so i tried burning it anyways, guess what, the DVD had sound, it was just a hiccup in the playback I guess (i'd try that on a DVD-RW just in case it is something different)
WELL I can get sound and NO video feed, I have let it run just to see if maybe something was amiss but I cant seem to get the video to work but the sound is fine. I got one vhs to dvd to copy today onto my hard drive and was sucessfull enough to burn a dvd from that but when I tried it a second time OI VEY I couldnt get it to work thanks for any suggestions GREAT BOARDS HERE