Hi, I have just got a new LG DVD Burner and the first DVD I burnt with NeroVision worked fine, but the 3 I have done since then have all had this problem. During the burning to DVD phases right before the end it just stops working, the timer is still going for elapsed time, the light is still flashing on my DVD burner but the progress bar just never moves any closer to the end again. I have tried leaving it for like 20 hours but nothing changes? Is there a way to fix this?
The first steps would be to use the Nero Clean Tool from the Nero website at www.nero.com and look under Support->Utilities->Clean tools and use the General CLean tool to uninstall the Nero software. Then download the latest versions from the Nero website and install using your Nero 6 serial key to unlock from Demo mode. And see if this resolves your issue. Just in case a failed install occured, or was corrupted. When you next attempt the write, make sure no programs are running in the background. Also make sure you have the latest firmware for your model recorder installed. And try more than one brand of DVD media. If none of these steps help, we would need to know more about your system and the software you have installed. You can use the Nero InfoTool or 'Get System Info' to obtain this information. And then provide this information to us so we can see what drivers and programs are on your system that could cause conflicts with the Nero software. Regards, Craig
Hi, I had a simular problem, and I might add a number of others as well. I have a brand new asus motherboard p4p800e with intel 865e chipset operating in XP. All the problems went away by just updating the system device drivers. There are device driver search engines free on the web. They check you system and link you to the updates you need. Of couse if you keep there software to long you will have to pay for it. you only need a day to put at least that issue to rest. good luck