A few months ago I purchased a Netgear RP614 v3 router to network my two PCs to my DSL connection. The router seemed to perform flawlessly until I installed Steam or tried to use Bittorrent. Whenever Steam is opened or a bittorrent client is active, I am unable to access the internet or the router from either compute on the network. As soon as Steam or the bittorrent client are access is restored. I have updated my router to the newest firmware, tried port forwarding, disabled all windows firewalls, and have recently reformatted one of my PCs, none of which has helped. Any help that would save me from buying a new router would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Viper753
Oops! I forgot to add that even though I had no internet/ router access, bittorrent seemed to function fine. I have good download/upload speeds but I can't do anything else with my connection. Steam on the other hand shows a very limited server list and will rarely connect to a server.