i took an old P1 laptop from a friend to do some work and install programs on my cel phone at work the problem is that this laptop dont have any network cards nor cd writer and i want to make transfer of data from it to my other pc´s at home. it have COM PORTS but no USB ports ... i heard that i can do direct link from COM to COM ports. how can i make an easy transfer from the COM of the laptop to the COM of my home pc ??? tx for your help.
You need a laplink cable http://www.nullmodem.com/LapLink.htm You can buy the laplink software or a shareware program called Total Commander should work to transfer files across a parallel link (Net menu, Port Connection to Other PC) To be honest though, by the time you build or buy a laplink cable, you could get a cheap NIC for the old PC for about the same cost and really network them at much faster speeds.
so a network card is better ... since i have no experience with laptops how should i ask for the network card model to be sure that it is compatible with this laptop ?? the laptop is a COMPAQ armada 4160T intel MMX 166mhz processor very old pc ...
i was wondering is the hard disk of the laptop compatible with the one of a desktop ? to see if i can open the laptop take its HD put like slave on my desktop pc and take the info i want ... ??? tx in advance for your precious help