Hello I am new at this so i got the image file and all the user guide details and did everything to flash the image on and did it through the ftp worked well. the image was flashed bo and pc was connected and the image was commando5 for 1x chip. Then it tuned up with Sky Sport and then couldn't find anything so i tried doing the full scan but nothing happening so i tried connecting my box to pc again using the crossover cable and it won't connect took the ne ip address but nothing now am stuck i don't know what to do and nothing is scaned on dbox2 segam. If anybo0dy knows how to fix this please let me know am so fustrated now tried everything won't connect and when i check for games it's blank so i don't know if i have done anything wrong but when load up it says team cammando. will appreciate all the help i can get on this.
whe you flash a new image, you will have to setup the network details on the box again, press dbox, settings, network. that will allow you to then ftp in. is it just the lockked channels you can't see? do you get bbc1 ok? the service file in the image you flashed will be for another area, you will need to update it with one for you area if a scan is not workin. oh and for the scan to work you will need to set it to the correct location.
I went back into the network and got the ip address tried connecting with ftp but it won't connect. I am getting nothing not even bbc1 i got the service.xml for my area but can't put it on the box as get connect with pc? any idea?
the FTP address of the box has to be set to the same range as the pc ie. pc = set the dbox to = make sure both have same subnet mask
i think you are using crossover cable if you are connecting dbox to pc it must be crossover cable if using hub stright cable is fine
MrBlade, the network card in your Pc might be auto sensing, basically it realises that using a standard network cable will not so automatically swaps the tx's and rx's over so that it can see traffic, many modern hubs, switches, routers, firewalls, etc... do this to make setup easier. trust me on this one....
i think you must be right i have latest motherboard with auto senceing network card buid in it accept both strigt and x over cable