lads & ladies... quick question on the super usb. I recently purchased one and set it up. seems to get most channels a sky package would get you so all is fine there. but the thing is... My television provider rang today asking if my cable box was working ok and asked if id any probs with it. 1st time ever since ive had cable in. I said its fine & that i couldnt talk just now and hung up. What im wondering is if they know your stealing from them or how theyd know etc... any info would be appreciated thanks. sorry if im in wrong section here. cheers
Your original providers box probably had talkback and they can see its unplugged, maybe plug it back in and use a splitter so its still getting a signal
Boxes in the Uk do have talk back on them, and since you are part of the Uk, yours will as well tell them you where away on holidays, its not illegal to have your box unplugged at any time.