Hi: I am interesting in trying the online stuff that PS2, XBox have to offer. Since my computer is in another room then my systems, I need to go wireless. I currently don't have any wireless routers right now. So I am looking for some help in buying what I need. Heres what I have. An XBOX, PS2 and a Onkyo Receiver that is internet capable. I want to connect all of these, wireless, to my computer. I would like to do these as cheap as possible. But I want the correct stuff. All right Lay it on me. Thanks In advance.
This is very interesting that as many people very these post, that I can't get a answer to my question. Please help. Thanks
You would need a wireless game adapter http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Sate...829491&pagename=Linksys/Common/VisitorWrapper And then a wireless router http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16833124010 That would get your consoles connected, though the game adapter only works with one at a time, you would have to swap the cable, connect to a switch, or buy 2 of them if you wanted both connected. Not sure on the Onkyo Alternatively, you could buy the router and connect the dsl/cable modem to it where the consoles are and wire them in the ethernet ports and then connect to your pc via wireless in the other room with a wireless adapter for the pc.