I recently bought one of these... http://www.mackie.com/products/onyx32-4/index.html and was wondering, for any other owners of Onyx series mixers, what the db/+- level is for the "Talkback Mic" input jack; i.e. will it accept phantom-powered mics or only Dynamics?
I'm not sure about that specific model, but most talk-back channels on mixers don't have phantom power, so are for dynamic mics. if it did it would probably be labeled on the XLR input, but I'm sure your manual says whether or not it has phantom power where it explains how to use the talk-back channel. the +/- dB is probably just for monitoring level.
That's the thing; my last board did say; this one dosen't. Since they're both Mackie, I guess that they would probably be the same... but since I sold the old manual with the old board, I can't look it up either... I figured that it would be dynamic or battery-augmented mics only. Too bad I haven't got any left and am on a VERY limited audio budget....mabye I could borrow from the lighting budget...
you don't have any dynamic mics left? Well I got a few spare SM58s and SM57s laying around...always a good idea to hang on to those...they always come in handy. from micing guitar amps to drums, to decent live vocals.
dynamic=decent live vocals? I would never have guessed based on the quality of my studio dynamic mic...to bad it has a 1/8" output, not a BM XLR. I have a plenty of dynamic hypercardoid floor mics, but that won't do me much good for a ctrl. room talkback. They're all being used on stage.