i have a r4 i have set it up. i got one game off a site and put it on my sd card and it works with no proublem. all the other files i have got when i load the card in the ds, it tells me it can not read the file. i do not know if they are in the wrong format or what happens. somebody please help me!!!
as pryme_H says all games must be in .nds format as a r4ds will only play games in .nds format . if your games are in .nds format and you are still having trouble with them not loading , then your r4ds firmware is very probably out of date ! latest firmware is V1.16 and is able to 99.9% of games without any trouble ( except this one 2000 Puppy Palace (U)). link for the latest firmware - http://www.r4ds.com/soft/22-en.htm very easy to update , download and unrar , then copy the 2 folders and 2 files to your memory card ( it will probably say do you wish to replace files already on your memory card , just click yes .) 2 files are - _DS_MENU and _DS_MSHL.NDS 2 folders are - _system_ and moonshl the new games should work with the latest firmware v1.16. any more probs let me know , woof811. ps. quick link to show you compatibility of games for the r4ds - http://wiki.scorpei.com/index.php/R4_compatibility_list